Like Oil and Water

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(Anne narrating):

Well, at least the music class went well. Also, I met that "Marcy" girl who seemed pretty nice. I feel like there's something odd about her, but it's probably nothing.

When I opened my backpack, I saw a small post-it note.

"Hey I'm Marcy, you're pretty cool so here's my number! :D (**********)"

The green note wasn't sticky anymore and it had a small doodle of a bird for some reason. "She's pretty straightforward" I thought, "But she's also kinda cute so I think I'm gonna text her".

I pulled out my phone out of my pink backpack and went to contacts, but I soon got distracted because of a message from my English teacher telling me I had 3 assignments pending. I rolled my eyes and did the first two. I was about to send the third when my mom walked inside my room.

"Hurry Anne, get your things, we need to go." She said in a hurry. "But- I don't have anything else to do today" I said.

"I don't care about that, I arranged a meeting with the Waybrights at 5:00 and we can't be late". She told me to change into "fancier" clothes. I was so tired I didn't even realize the "Waybright" part.

I didn't try to argue and put on some blue dress I found. I put on my blue sandals and tried to fix my hair.

As I was looking in the mirror trying to do decent eyeliner I remembered I was supposed to text Marcy. I shrugged it off and said I'd do it later. But then...

"Um mom, where are we going by the way?"

"I already told you, we're going to the Waybrights' place. Hurry up, we're late!"

And I could've sworn in that moment that my life was gonna end. THE WAYBRIGHTS??? was what I almost screamed. But I tried to keep it together and stay quiet.


(Anne narrating):

I honestly wanted to die at that moment. It wasn't just my mom gushing about me to other people. It was my mom gushing about me to my soulmate's parents whom for your information, I had the worst possible first impression with and now she hates me! I was just silently eating my pasta while I heard stuff like this:

"They're so cute together!"

"Are they girlfriends yet?"

"They're such a perfect match, like salt and pepper!"

"More like water and oil" I heard Sasha murmur. I limited myself to smile, and keep eating pasta, and drink my apple juice. 

"So, are you already dating my daughter, Anne?" Mrs Waybright asked. "No, I'd- like to know her a little better..." I replied. The adults laughed as if it was a joke and continued gushing. From the corner of my eye I saw Sasha blush a little. Probably embarrassment.

It was 5 minutes before we left. But because I had to be "polite" I couldn't pull out my phone. So I just sat in silence. Until the conversation caught my attention.

"You know, our daughter is going to enter Saint James Middle School as well!"

And at that exact moment, I was done with life. My mom looked at me as if saying "Did you hear that? You're gonna get bullied even more! Fantastic!" And I couldn't do anything but nod and smile.

As we headed home in the car, I started a song draft in my notes:

random song lol

im just waiting to see

if we actually fall in love

because i highly, highly doubt it.


im SO SORRY for not updating, i kinda forgot I had this fic

but Yeah! I hope you liked the chapter :) also @Tiny_L_o7  asked me to tag them so here u go :)

Have a good day <3

602 Words :)

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