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- SAM -

Paper Towns

I would consider it to be my all-time favourite book.

There is no better place to be reading this treasure than sitting on the lawn with my feet dangling onto the sidewalk.

I have read this book countless times but I can't help but find myself getting intrigued each and every time I read it.

I just love Margo and Quentin's love story. The popular, unpredictable wildchild, & the nerdy, band geek.

I would kill for a relationship like that. A relationship that just came out of nowhere but gave one of the best loves life can ever offer.

One day I hope to find my Quentin -- or Margo seeming as my personality resembles Quentin's opposed to Margo's.

When I'm reading, I lose the ability to sense or notice anything happening in my surroundings ... unless of course it falls straight on top of me.

Which is exactly what's about to happen approximately 12 seconds from now.

I feel something that seems like some sort of skateboard hit my legs, and the weight of a body land on top me.

I was suddenly pulled, and rolled around, until somehow I was ontop of this rather firmly built stranger.

Our faces were close, barely any space left between them. I could feel his breath on my face. It smelt faintly like cinnamon.

I like cinnamon.

"Hi," the stranger laughs cracking a smile. Could this situation be any weirder? I highly doubt it.

"Uh, h-hi?" I stammer awkwardly before immediately lifting myself off of his body. I roll over and crouch down next to him on my lawn attempting decipher the quickest way to escape this scenario.

"Hayes Grier." The boy politely reaches his hand out for me to shake once he sits himself up as well.

"S-Sam." My gaze rest on my hands clasped together in my lap. Once I muster up the courage, my eyes glance from his face to his hand before reaching out to shake it.

"No last name, Sam?" he inquires making me realize I forgot to include it while introducing myself.

Oh well he's a stranger and doesn't need to know my information. He seems to take my silence as a sign to continue talking.

"Do you just have one of those one name things like Beyonce or Madonna," he smiles looking very pleased with his remark.

"Woods, Samantha Woods," I say mustering up the full introduction.

"Now you sound like James Bond," he chuckles as if this is the funniest thing in the world.

This kid seems very... well very interesting.

I typically do not cooperate well with interesting people so this little acquaintanceship of ours will probably not last much longer, but that's just my hypothesis.

I took a second to get a better look at Hayes. He had really nice blue eyes. It was a color I've never even seen before in a person's eyes but I couldn't deny that it looked very nice on him.

He looked about my age, which is good or else this would be extremely weird... especially if he was an elderly man.

Imagine being hurled on top of an elderly man. That would be quite odd because he would have to be riding a skateboard.

What am I saying?

I do not know this elderly man's hobbies. Maybe he highly enjoys skateboarding because he likes being active and it keeps him young.

Back to the topic of Hayes...

His hair was short. Styled in a mini-quiff which also looked really good on him. But to be fair, everything about him looked really good on him.

"Are you checking me out?" he smirks looking incredibly amused at this situation.

"Um no," I reply quietly shaking my head. That's a lie.

I feel a blush beginning to tint my cheeks so I bow my head down hoping that Hayes won't notice.

"I'm pretty sure you were." Damn he's being incredibly insistent.

"I was not, alright?" I say a little bit louder. He laughs but nods his head in defeat.

"Well anyways, I think this is yours because reading is a wretched activity that drives me to boredom so it's most definitely definitely not mine." Hayes explains as he pulls something from behind him.

My book.

"Ugh, it's all crumpled," I sigh in disappointment. I feel my lower lip form a pout.

"Sorry, about that," he apologizes looking really guilty. But cracking a small smile when he sees my pout.

"Don't be sorry because you're gonna buy me a new one." Saying the confidence radiating from my tone surprised me was an understatement.

His lips form a sly smirk on he catches my remark.

"Oh really?" he questions me with a gleam in his eye. He starts leaning in closer which would often phase me but for some reason, Hayes does not make me nervous in the slightest.

I don't care who this kid is. Paper towns in my most favorite book and no one could get off the hook for ruining my limited edition copy of the novel.

"Really," I quip, my sassiness surprising me in the process.

This may not seem like much, but I'm normally extremely socially awkward and cannot communicate with people I've known my whole life but now I'm able to talk with this random guy I met under 5 minutes ago.

This Hayes Grier.

This back & forth communication is messing with my head. Out of all people I've ever met, why am I able to talk to this random boy who tripped over me? Why him?

I guess his easy going personality is just the antidote to my social anxiety.

"Well you know what goes really well with books?" He begins.

"I have a feeling you're about to tell me," I shrug with confidence.



Okay guys this is my new story, I hope you like it.

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