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[ Sam ]

"So what's your story, Grier? I've never seen you before today which is very peculiar," I remark.

The two of us have been chilling on my bed for about a half hour now but I have so many unanswered questions for this brown haired boy.

"Well maybe because I just got here today," he shrugs. He readjusts himself to make himself more comfortable on my bed.

"Well obviously not for vacation because then you'd be with your family and this is a residential neighbourhood so you
wouldn't have stumbled onto my lawn," I infer.

"Affirmative," he says approving my prediction. "I just moved here from North Carolina," he explains.

"Close to my house?" I press searching for as much information as I can get.

"Yea, just up on Oakville," he explains. That street's right around the corner so that's extremely close.

"Well that's interesting because I didn't see any moving trucks today when I drove by," I challenge.

I had an appointment at the orthodontist this morning so I would've noticed moving trucks on my way home. I also haven't noticed any for sale signs next to any of the nearby houses recently.

"Wow, someone's observant..." he remarks seemingly impressed. Well he's not wrong. When you don't have any friends and don't really talk to people, you become somewhat similar to a wallflower. I guess you can say I've developed an observant personality. "That's because my family already moved in 3 months ago," he clarifies. I can recall that two guys moved on to Oakville 3 months ago.

"Oh Hayes Grier. Are you Nash Grier's brother?" I inquire. Nash Grier and his friend Cameron Dallas are apparently some super famous social media people. At least thats what my older sister Victoria told me. Hayes is probably somewhat famous by association.

"Ahh, you put the pieces together. Well done, Samantha," he teases.

"I try, I try."

"So I'm your only friend?" he asks changing the subject. I knew he'd eventually bring up what my mom said earlier.

"Yea, I'm not really good with the whole friend making process."

"Sure you are! You're the coolest girl I've ever met," he justifies. I cracked a small smile at his statement but quickly wiped it from my face.

"Well that's the first time I've ever heard that," I laugh. I highly doubt he actually means that but it's nice that he said it. "I've talked to you today more than I've ever talked to anyone outside my family in years."

"Well, in my opinion you're the bestest ever at 'the friend making process,'" he laughs using my words.

"Bestest isn't a word, you dumbass," I point out and he rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Really Sam? Out of that whole statement, that's what you decided to take out," he exclaims.


Two days ago, I made my first friend... who I guess is now technically my best friend. It's just a technicality though.

I didn't get to see him yesterday because he had work during the day and I had to attend one of my parents' benefit galas in the evening.

I hate those things.

I always have to get all dressed up in whatever black dress my mom bought me for the event that I'll never wear ever again. Also my older sister Victoria does my makeup but she always puts an extreme amount on and I feel so cakey all night long. There's also the fact that whenever we get to these galas, my sister ditches me for her friends every single time.

Her two best friends Talita Von Furstenburg and Isabella Giannulli are always in attendance. Yes, Talita's last name is Von Furstenburg and she's the granddaughter of Diane Von Furstenburg the iconic fashion designer. She always gives Victoria and I front row seats to her grandmothers fashion week show but I always decline them. Her other best friend Isabella or Bella Giannulli is the daughter of Lori Loughlin who played Becky on that popular sitcom from the 90s, full house. Basically all her friends are big deals.

When Victoria's off with her friends I'm occasionally accompanied by Bella's little sister my age named Olivia . She's a really nice person but I wouldn't exactly call her a friend, she's more of an acquaintance. But to be fair, before Hayes she was the closet thing I had to a friend.

To get back to my point I hate galas and basically every other event my parents drag me to.

The first thing I do when I wake up everyday is check my phone. I don't know why though, it's not like anyone's ever trying to contact me or there's gonna be anything urgent for me to see. I guess it's just the general teenage instinct to grab technology before our brain is awake enough to fully function.

To my surprise, when I look at my phone I notice I have unseen messages from Hayes.

5 new messages from: yo BFF Hayes

Sammayyy come over to my house

Sam are you even awake?

Well if and when you are get your ass over to my place

Dude seriously wake up!

Samantha Brooks I swear to cheese if you are not in my house in the next hour I will break into your house and wake you up myself

Oh god, this kid. I tell him I'll be there in 20, then attempt to get up from my bed. That challenge takes another 5 minutes to complete but eventually I succeed in my quest.

I throw on a striped, black and white, cropped top from Brandy Melville and a pair of high waisted, light washed Jean shorts. I also grab some sunglasses to attempt to shield myself from the California sun, but lord knows they won't be of much help.

It's summer here in Los Angeles meaning it's incredibly hot. That fact is proven correct to me for about the billionth time when I leave my house and am exposed to the sun.

It's a short walk to Hayes' house, only about 2 minutes. As I approach the house and knock, I'm nervous to find out what will happen once the door is open.



above is a picture of Sam (right) and her older sister Victoria (left)

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