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- SAM -

Coffee. Why coffee?

I asked Hayes repeatedly why it was necessary that we have coffee but he was insistent. I don't even drink coffee, but eventually I obliged and we were currently walking into the coffee shop a few blocks from my house.

"Can I have a bottle of coke?" I ask when it was our turn to order. Hayes turns to me and his mouth falls open in horror.

"Coke?" Hayes exclaims making a scene in front of everyone in the room. "We're in a coffee shop and you're ordering coke?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm 14 years old, I don't drink coffee, therefore I am getting coke," I state simply. Hayes frowns but leaves it alone. "Are you going to order you're precious coffee or..."

"Can I get a café mocha latte?" he tells the barista interrupting me.

"Sure and you're total is 4.95," she replies. I reach for my wallet but Hayes stops me.

"Don't even think about it," he warns before taking out a 5 from his wallet.

"You don't need to pay for me," I sigh.

I legitimately met this kid about 20 minutes ago. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything, he's not required to pay for my beverage.

"Yea I do, because I like you a latte," he smirks while handing the barista the bill.

"Shut up, Hayes," I mutter rolling my eyes. In normal circumstances I would blush and be all flustered but Hayes has no effect over me whatsoever which is extremely weird.

Once Hayes gets his precious coffee and the barista hands me my can of coke we find an empty table in the corner and sit down.

"So, I probably should've started with this, but how old are you and what grade are you in?" I question him before taking the first sip of my drink.

"I'm gonna be a freshman this upcoming school year and I just turned 15, 2 weeks ago," he replies. Ok same grade and I'm turning 15 in 2 months, so this isn't too weird of a pairing.

"Hmm, a 15 year old that drinks coffee religiously?" I remark. It's in fact very weird. Most of the kids in this town are addicted to pop and have never touched coffee in their life, the most we get is random drinks from Starbucks. Most of the world would imagine people like Hayes when they think of kids from Los Angeles, but most of us aren't really like him, he just happens to be a walking stereotype.

"Coffee is infact the pinnacle of human achievement, Sam," he declares proudly gesturing to the mug in his hand.

"Oh, so we are on a nickname basis now?"

"Condsidering you first introduced yourself as Sam, yes, I'm pretty sure it is a nickname basis,"

"Touché Grier," I shrug

"Ooh, last name basis now," he smirks and I roll my eyes in response. "So the book I crumpled." I nod my head for him to continue. "It's called Paper Towns?"


"How can a town be made out of paper anyway?" he asks dumbfounded. Oh lord

"I don't know why don't you ask John Green?" I chuckle even though I know the actual meaning of a paper town.

"I'll have to get on that as soon as possible," He assures me with a grin.

"Drink your coffee, you goof," I laugh.


"So you don't think you're parents will mind me coming over?" Hayes inquires nervously as we approach my house.

"Please, they'll just be happy I have a friend," I reassure him as I open up my front my door. Hayes face lights up at the mention of the word friend.

Well I guess that's what he is to me at this point and it's a pretty big deal.

"I'm home," I yell as me and Hayes walk in through the front door.

"Hi, hun," my moms says coming to greet me. "Who's this?" she asks when she notices Hayes standing beside me.

"This is Hayes," I tell her while Hayes gives her a small wave.

"Oh my god, you made a friend!" She exclaims running over to Hayes and squeezing him tightly. Hayes chuckles and lightly pats her on the back.

"Mom, chill," I warn, gesturing her to release Hayes from her tight grip.

"Sorry I'm just so happy you have a friend," she enthuses happily. Thanfully, she lets him go.

"Mom, please leave," I warn her through gritted teeth.

"I'm going, I'm going," she mumbles with a small smile before exiting our living room. "No sex please. I don't need my daughter getting pregnant at 14," she cheekily yells from the kitchen.

"Oh my godC
I am so sorry," I tell Hayes  while putting my head in my hands in embarrassment.

"Don't be, she's cool," he laughs before heading towards the direction of the stairs where my room is.

"My mom is far from the definition of the word cool," I reply then trail behind him up my stairs.


Well in the next chapter we're gonna find out a little bit more about Hayes so stay tuned.
Remember to vote, comment and follow me bc I love you all :)

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