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"Applebee's," Hayes exclaims excitedly as we walk in through the door. "This place is fucking legendary."

I take in the scene of the restaurant around me. I've been here hundreds of times with my family so I don't really see the huge deal. I'll admit that their food is to die for though.

"Do they not have Applebee's back in North Carolina?" I ask him.

The expression on his face depicts that he has never seen an Applebee's in his life, like it's just some sort of urban legend.

"Of course we have Applebee's dumbass, how else would I know that their food tastes like heaven," he moans drifting off into a daydream.

I roll my eyes before pulling Hayes along with me to the restaurant hostess' stand.

"Table for two?" she asks us. I nog vigorously in response and I can feel my face turning slightly red just from the slight communication. I don't always get frazzled this easy but occasionally. I hate when that happens.

Hayes just laughs at me then tells the lady that yes, the table's for two.

"Right this way," she smiles leading us over to a booth towards the end of the restaurant.

"Sometimes you're really cute," Hayes whispers barely audibly to me.

Typical Hayes Grier...a-try-hard-charmer. I just ignore him and begin walking faster. I hear him let out a satisfying sigh, before hurrying to catch up with me again.

I sit down at the booth she lead us to and Hayes takes a seat on the other side.

"Can I start you guys off with drinks?" she asks. I open my mouth to reply but Hayes is quick to speak.

"We'll both have cokes, no ice please," Hayes orders. She nods and scurries off.

"I could've ordered myself you know?" I pout in annoyance.

"I never said you couldn't," he chuckles. "I'm just a mother fucking gentleman,"

"Oh, I see," I mumble nodding my head. This kid really thinks he's a fucking champ. It's kind of annoying, but I kind of like it.

"Have I ever told you you're really cute?" he smirks while deeply staring at me.

"It may have slipped out a few times," I shrug even though I know it's been way more than a few times. He smiles but continues staring at me.

"Can you quit staring at me weirdo?" I groan. It's making me uncomfortable, but I guess Hayes is the king of discomfort. He seems to thrive on making me uncomfortable.

"Nah I'm good," he grins but before I can respond our waitress comes with our drinks.

"Hi I'm Ella, I'll be your server tonight," she smiles.

Ella was extremely pretty and had long blonde hair similar to mine, but I can't deny that it looked better on her.

She hands both of us our drinks then asks us what we would like to order.

"We'll both have plain bacon cheeseburgers. No other condiments, just the bacon and cheese," I explain. Ella nods as she writes it down on her notepad.

"Alrighty then, I'll be back soon with your meals," she grins before heading in the direction of the kitchen.

"I could've ordered myself you know," he teases referencing my earlier statement.

"I never said you couldn't," I mock back, "I'm just a mother fucking gentleman." Hayes lets out a small grin, pleased to see I'm using his words against him.

"You're a girl, you can't be a gentleman," he chuckles.

"Mmm that is incredibly sexist, Grier. Females can do anything the male species can and better so if I say I'm a mother fucking gentleman, then you better believe I'm a mother fucking gentleman," I sass.

It appears that I in fact said that speech very loudly because everyone in the tables around us were staring at me.

Hayes burst out hysterically laughing. Tears were falling from his eyes. I just put my head down in my hands out of embarrassment. A restaurant of people staring at me was not my ideal situation.

A few moments later, my booth seat slouches. I look up to see Hayes sitting right next to me.

"Now everyone won't be staring at you because I'm in the way of their view," he smiles before wrapping me in a tight hug.

"It's crazy to think I met you just over 24 hours ago and you're already my favorite person on this Earth," I admit squeezing him tighter.

Hayes is the only person outside my family I can legitimately communicate with. He makes me laugh, he annoys me, he makes me feel safe, but mostly he makes me feel happy.

"They say that good things take time," Hayes beings, "but really great things happen in a blink of an eye."

My head snaps towards him and I raise my eyebrow in curiosity wondering if he knows what he just did.

He would have to know, you can't do something like that by accident.

"You did not just quote Hannah Montana lyrics,"

"Don't judge me..."


OMF Hayes :') only he would quote Hannah Montana in the middle of such a cute moment.

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