Chapter 2

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Brian Mead hated parties.

Looking around in mild amusement, he tried not to appear bored. Everything was the same, the ritual the games. There were several woman, alone and obviously on the hunt, who had been eyeing him since he'd entered. A Cleopatra, an elf, an Indian maiden, they were all playing their phony roles to the hilt. They were drawn to his reputation, he knew. The funny part was, most wasn't even true.

Turning away, he wondered why he had allowed Britney to talk him into coming. True, he had been bored for a while, at loose ends with himself. He needed a spark, he needed someone who could make him laugh.

His brother laughed alot these days.

Not that Brian wanted to settle down. He hadn't met a woman yet with whom he could consider spending the rest of his life with. Bobby was lucky to have found Britney, she was the best. But women like her were rare. Glancing around the room again, Brian realized just what a find Britney was. The house was filled with females, but none of them held his attention. They were all....the same. Laughing, flirting, drinking. They stood poised to best advantage, their gestures predictable.

He had been told more than once now how dashing he looked in his pirate costume. Everyone knew it was him. He wasn't wearing make up as some of the other guest did. His only concession was an eye patch, worn rakishly over his left eye. A billowing white shirt that he had found extremely comfortable, and tight black pants completed the costume. His belt wide with a huge brass buckle held a scabbard, with the sword resting inside it. His black boots came to his knees.

He sat in a chair, observing the crowd dispassionately. Immediately a blond Valkyrie, brass breastplate shining in the parties lights came to perch on his knee, and gave him a sly smile. He recognized that smile. It belonged to his ex companion, Jennifer. It was a smile that signaled her intent, and he used to respond to it appropriately. All he felt now was irritation. She leaned close, and he forced a polite expression to his features. They'd shared something brief, and by her insistence, with no strings attached. The outcome had been predictable.

She wanted a man who knew the score, who could afford the best, who moved in certain circles, her circles. She liked sports cars, his professional connections, and sex. In that order.

And he needed someone to help him fill his time, to give him something to think about other tan his legal cases and the fact that his personal life was basically....empty. But it was over.

He knew it. Why didn't she?

"Don't you recognize me, Brian?"

There was no place to put his hands, so he rested one on her back, the other on her naked thigh. "Of course. You are a beautiful Norse goddess." His legendary innate charm surfaced through his impatience.

 Jennifer chuckled. "You make a very believable pirate. Have you made any plans to plunder the party and steal away with female captives?"

He didn't feel like playing, so he conjured the lie without hesitation. "Actually sweetheart, I have."

She pouted, and ran her fingers through his hair. "You look so dashing, Brian."

He barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. He thought of going home to his empty house, and the thought no longer seemed so unappealing.

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