Chapter 21

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"You are going to have to help me out here Brit!" Brian said as he paced the kitchen his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Amanda was being entirely unreasonable. She wouldn't see him beyond practices and wouldn't take the time to talk to him when it wasn't absolutely necessary.

Britney and Bobby stared at him as he paced. Britney shook her head. "Amanda would never forgive me if I got in the middle of this."

"Just try and talk to her for me. She will listen to you."

"Not a chance. Amanda wont listen to I have to say. Not with things so fucked up."

Brian growled at her. "Things are not fucked up! Amanda and I being together is not a mistake."

"Hah! Amanda's more determined than ever to stay away from men. She wont even go out with that old school board guy and he is certainly no threat."

Brian halted and then looked at Britney. "What are you talking about?"

"There is some old ass on the school board.."

"He is only thirty six Brit." Bobby interrupted.

"Well he seems old, he's so uppity." She gave her attention back to Brian. "Anyway she's gone out with him a couple times. Mostly to talk over school stuff, or so he says. Personally I think he is trying to ingrate himself. Now he wants her to help him head up a new fundraiser at the school. Amanda says she needs to get together with him this weekend to discuss the particulars."


Bobby stood. "Now Brian..."

He ignored his brother. The thought of Amanda with another man made him see red. He repeated. "Where?"

Bobby cleared his throat to hide his smile. "At her house I believe."

"The time?"

Bobby glanced at Britney who was doing her best to look innocent. "I think she said around noon, but I cant be sure." She said.

Brian turned on his heel and headed out, not bothering to say goodbye. He didn't see the smug grin on his sister in laws face.

Bobby pursed his lips. "I thought you weren't going to interfere."

"Of course I wouldn't! Britney gasped. "I gave Amanda my word."

"Then what was this little scene you just enacted?"

"A slip of the tongue?"

"Clever. Just what I love in a wife."


On his way home Brian formulated his plan. It was Friday evening , he'd gone to his brothers house frustrated after another unsatisfying attempt to gain Amanda's attention during the practice. She was getting very good at ignoring him. And after practice she had to hurry off for her classes. He had no doubt they'd been planned just to avoid him. It annoyed the hell out of him.

But he could be just as devious as Amanda. Since he had no intention of giving up on Amanda he had to over come her obstacles.

And he had a secret weapon, his own project he'd been working on for some time. He planned to surprise Amanda with it. Now it would prove invaluable. But first he needed to get her alone for a bit. He hadn't missed her response the day he'd held her only briefly. But he had been stymied by the fact she seemed to find it so easy to walk away. She hadn't even looked back as he'd willed her to do. Stubborn wench.

At least she was never boring. He remembered the way she held him so tight when he entered her, how she told him she cared. Not a little bit, but a lot. He had to believe that. She still cared, and she would get over her anger. He'd help her. Hell he insisted upon it.

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