Chapter 18

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"Brian! My goodness, your a sight!"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me Britney!" He stuck his face close to hers "I am your brother in law! I'm family! I cant believe you would stab me in the back like this!"

Britney covered her chest with one hand her eyes wide. "Whatever are you shouting about? Whats happened?"

Bobby entered the room took one look at his brother and put himself in front of his wife. "Calm down Brian."

"Calm down! Do you know...?"

"Yes." Bobby's voice was very quiet in comparison to Brian's. "I know. But I cant let you yell at my wife. Now settle down."

Brian was thunderstruck. "You knew, too?"

"Don't look so shocked. No one told me, but I figured it out quickly enough. I have to admit, I was surprised you didn't."

Britney gasped then, shoving her husband aside. She faced Brian with the most alarmed expression he'd ever seen on her face. "This is about Amanda? You found out?"

"Yes! Dammit! Your little game is over. Did you two sit down to tea and laugh over watching me making a fool of myself? Did she give you all the juicy details?"

Bobby opened his mouth but Britney didn't give him time to interject. " Oh, Brian it wasn't like that!" Then she bit her lip. "You are angry. didn't hurt her did you?"

Brian threw his hands up in despair " I don't believe you asked me that! Since when have I been such a bastard that I'd hurt a woman? I may have felt like strangling you both but I would never..."

"I don't mean physically. I know you would never lay a hand on a woman." Then she reached up to touch his cheek. "But she is so fragile, Brian. She has been hurt so much. Please tell me you didnt do or say anything to hurt her feelings."

She was looking so anxious Brian frowned at her. Reluctantly he admitted." I was damned angry."

Britney searched his face then turned to Bobby her eyes huge. "I'm going to check on her."

Bobby nodded then kissed her cheek." Be careful driving. Don't hurry. I doubt she is going anywhere."He handed Britney the car keys from the hook by the phone catching her just before she started out. "Everything will work out."

Britney glanced quickly at Brian who only looked back in exasperation. She sighed. "Don't be so sure of that Bobby, I'm not."

Brian watched her rush out, then turned to his brother.

"Aren't you the least bit irate on my behalf? Do you even know the whole story? I was lied to."

Bobby sat, crossing his arms on the kitchen table. "No, you weren't. Unfortunately Amanda has been honest with you from the start. She has been herself, and that is as honest as it gets. Now I sincerely hope your going to sit down her and tell me you didn't just manage to ruin the best thing that has ever happened to you."

Brian sat, but wasn't a concession as much as he suddenly needed the stability of a chair. He could hardly credit his brothers defection. " A woman who lies to me and plays juvenile games is the best thing that's ever happened to me? What the hell would be the worst?"

Bobby gave him a long look then sighed. "The worst the way I see it if you just did so much damage Amanda crawls back into her shell and never gives you a second chance. And  that is a very real possibility." Bobby looked his brother over, taking in Brian's still disheveled hair and UN shaved face. " Why don't you tell me what happened?"

Brian realized how foolish his part sounded in the charade, but he needed to talk. He could barely absorb the reality of what he just discovered. " I just realize that Amanda and the mystery lady are one and the same." He laughed in self derision."  Do you know I was actually feeling guilty because I thought I cared so much for Amanda and yet I was still curious to know who the other woman was. What a joke."

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