Chapter 14

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Brian tried to keep his mind on the basketball game they were playing, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of Amanda. She was trying to treat him the same as always, but he wasn't going to let her get away with it. Everything was different now, the way he felt when he was around her , the effect her smile had on him. She was doing her best to ignore his attention, but there was only ten more minutes before practice was over. Then  he would be going home with her again. That fact had his stomach in knots.

When was the last time he'd so anticipated spending time with a woman?

But Amanda wasn't just any woman. She wasn't impressed by monetary things. In fact she almost seemed disdainful of them. And she wanted nothing from him, other than companionship and help with a group of children who deserved someone better than him.

He'd thought about that too, about about the ways he could help. He'd never given much of himself, money didn't count because that wasn't him. But for Amanda for the kids...for himself he was going to try and make a difference. And he had a plan he hoped would work.

Practice ended, and Brian found the little boy who's faimily's phone had been disconnected. He walked him out to his mothers car. After discreetly questioning the woman, Brian discovered that she used to be a secretary. He casually mentioned that he always had papers that had to be transcribed, and would be glad to have her assistance. When he mentioned what he was willing to pay and that she could do the work at home she readily accepted. He arranged to start sending he documents next week.

And in the meantime he explained a scholarship of sorts he was setting up that would enable her children in extracurricular activities that they'd been forced to drop out of due to lack of funds.

By the time Brian got done convincing her to take advantage of his offer, he was feeling pretty good. It was a damn nice thing to know you had been a small help. But when he came back to the gym, he realized instantly that Amanda was disgruntled with him for having excluded her.

Well that was just to bad. He intended to surprise her when things were settled, and not a moment sooner.

She was ready to leave her keys in her hand. He realized he hadnt changed out of his swaety shirt yet.

"I'll just be a minute." he said and started toward the changing room door. She didn't answer just stood there, tapping her foot. He laughed. "I know what your thinking. Curiosity is written all over your face."

She gave him a look, and he prepared himself knowing he was going to get an earful." Actually" she said, a slight blush on her cheeks. "I was thinking you look right now."

That stopped him. "Is that so?" He advanced slowly, seeing her struggle to stand her ground. "Enough to warrant a kiss?"

She leaned toward him, her expression smug. "Nope."

Brian reached for her, but she ducked away. "You are a terrible tease, Mrs Hansen!" Then he grinned. " I think I like it."

She was waiting for her to tell him why he had been outside so long. He knew and deliberately kept silent. Her mouth pursed then she asked. "Are you still coming over?"

"Only if you give me a kiss. You cant tell a man he is sexy then just walk away."

She shrugged. "Sure I can."

He grabbed her arm grinning. "No, you cant. Besides you want to kiss me. You know you do. What are you afraid of?"

Her lips parted then she drew in a shaky breath, her gaze going to his mouth. "I am not afraid of anything."

Brian leaned back, bending his knees so he was looking directly to her eyes. Amanda squirmed, and he knew she was feeling much of the same thing he was, even if she denied it. Finally satisfied by what he saw Brian held out his arms. "OK if you are not afraid, then give me one kiss. My hands wont move, I promise."

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