Author's Note!!

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Wats up guys! Long time, no see? So! I have news, so pay attention my peeps! :)

First off, my newest werewolf book is out! I update it daily, and so far it is 13 chapters long! It is called Thy Name is Destiny, so please check it out!

Second, I don't think that I'm going to write a sequel, and there are two reasons why:
One, I don't really have any idea as to what the sequel could really be about, other than the fact some weirdo is stalking an unborn child XD!

And I just want to say thank you peeps so much for reading my books! It means a lot to me! It really does:).

And I'm also planning to go by a pen name as an author. My friend suggested Jessi Tyler, and it reminds me of Rose Tyler from Doctor WhoXD (anyone else crazy about Doctor Who?!)

And peeps...always have fantasy knowledge!


(Added note 5/02/15) I also just started a Niall Horan fanfict today called At First Sight {Niall Horan}!!!! So if you like 1D, please check it put!(this is on my colab account with my best friend. The account is: Modern_Anna_Elsa!)

(Added 05-24-15) new story out! it's called My Mute Alpha! Title says it all lol!!

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