Chapter ThirtyNine

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I hadn't slept, not even a wink. I was awake all night, busying myself with whatever I could do. I cleaned the house, organised every single dish in the kitchen and then when I tried to sneak out the backdoor at 3am to pull out the weeds from the garden bed, mum caught me and sent me to go lie down on the couch.

This morning is foggy in my memory. I had already been dressed and ready to go for an hour before mum and Harley woke up at 7am. Harley looked like she had got some sleep but not much.

Harley and I arrived at the courthouse at 8am, an hour before the hearing starts and half an hour before Charlie told us to be here. Mum had sent us off with a kiss on my forehead and a good luck while also reassuring me that everything will be fine, no matter the verdict.

Harley had been pacing back and forth along the pavement while I had taken a seat on the steps leading to the courthouse. I feel weak; I hadn't eaten since I had to force that chocolate bar down yesterday and I skipped breakfast this morning. I hold tightly on to my water bottle, being sure to keep up on my water intake.

"Can you see him anywhere?" I ask Harley as I look around, unable to see Charlie anywhere.

"He'll be here on time Poppy, it's only 8.25am" she says as she comes to take a seat by me on the steps.

People walk past, important people. They wear suits and and carry briefcases with them. Some of them walk into the courthouse and some continue on their way down the street to different buildings. I can't help but wonder how uncomfortable suits must be to wear daily as the formal dress I wear itches my neckline.

Most of them wear stoic faces but a few walk past with a phone to their ear and a small smile on their faces. I imagine it's their Darlings wishing them a good day before the day gets too busy.

I wish for nothing more then Hex to be one of those suit wearing men. Instead he's in the orange jumpsuit that reads 'Hellbound' between the shoulders.

"Ms. Hart" my head shoots up, looking for Charlie. He joins us on the steps, standing in front of us with his briefcase at his side. It relaxes me seeing him here as extra support to both Harley and I.

"Good morning, Charles" I say as Harley asks how he's going.

"I'm good, thank you" he replies. He looks calm and I have no doubt he's done this so many times before.

"Should we head inside?" he asks me as I stand on shaky legs.

"Yeah, lets do this" I say and allow him to lead the way. The next time I am outside this building it's either with or without Hex. The thought makes the invisible hand tighten around my throat.

"Are you okay?" Harley whispers in my ear as Charlie holds the door open for the both of us to enter.

"Yeah" I answer simply. I don't verbalise my thoughts, not wanting to freak her out.

It's busy inside, even at this time of morning. There are a lot of professional people like Charlie here but I know they're not all parole officers. Some of them are lawyers, some are journalists and I even see a few judges walking around. That must be a powerful feeling, having so much control over the outcome of someones life.

"This way" Charlie leads us to a lady at a desk. I'm thankful that he does all the talking because I'm so nervous, I fear if I talk I'll vomit. Harley seems somewhat the same as she takes hold of my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I don't even hear the words the lady speaks to Charlie as she points to our left and sends us a friendly smile as we follow Charlie in the direction she pointed. We're lead past all the people and to a door that reaches from the ceiling to the floor. It has got to be five meters tall and heavy but Charlie has no problem opening it and holding it for us.

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