Chapter Forty

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Judge Lee clears her voice lets get started.

There's a hush that settles over the room as everyone gets comfortable in their seats, whereas I'm sitting on the edge of my seat from nerves but also to somehow be impossibly closer to Hex.

"Can I have your identification for the record?" Judge Lee asks Hex's lawyer. She appears calm and stoic, like she has everything under control and had done this many times before, I have no doubt she has, probably for worst violations then Hex's.

"Debra Brown, appearing on behalf of Hex Rose" Ms. Brown says, her voice strong and determined. Each word she confidently speaks proves just how she had won previous hearings.

"Okay and Charles Bates is here from probation, I'd like to hear a report of how Mr. Rose has been doing and then a recommendation on where to go from here from Ms. Brown" Judge Lee says as she looks down the tip of her nose and through her glasses while Charlie walks over and takes the stand in the middle of the room.

I can feel my heart pounding as I wonder what Charlie will say. I know deep down that he will follow the rules of the court and if he truly believes Hex needs to go back to Hellbund then he'll have no problem recommending that, I don't want to hate him for it but I fear I won't be able to suppress my emotions towards him if he does become the reason Hex goes back to prison, no matter how much he has grown on me.

"Yes, Your Honour" Charlie begins with, his professionalism shinning through. "The defendant was placed on probation after 14 years 1 months and 3 days imprisonment on the 23th of October for a period of six months. Mr. Rose was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment on the 8th of may 2010 for a violent assault and gained a further 6 years of added time due to various incidents with other inmate's whilst imprisoned". All the dates make my head spin and I resist the urge to turn around and look at Amos and Ace when Charlie mentions Alex's assault.

"We are here today for Mr. Rose's first violation of fighting and crossing into a suburb not permitted on his parole conditions". I sit and watch the board as they focus on Charlie and take in everything he has to say, not missing a word.

"Since the incidents, Mr. Rose has been held at Hellbound Maximum Security Penitentiary for the last fourteen days and has been attending therapy sessions daily" I've never been more thankful that Hex took the chance to have those therapy sessions then I am now. I hope Judge Lee and the board will see it as a good thing and use it to help make their final decision.

Everyone's attention switches back to Judge Lee as she opens her mouth to speak "and was Mr. Rose attenting any programs while on parole?"

Charlie looks down at his papers and takes a second to reply, the moment of silence, especially because it's Charlie and he's always quick to answer, throws me and sends my stomach sinking to my feet.

"Mr. Rose was told it'd be best if he attended anger management classes while on parole. However only one class was attended" Charlie reads. My eyes move to Hex. His back tenses. He hadn't told me he had stopped going to the anger management classes, although I guess I never questioned him on them I just assumed he was going.

I remember dropping him off at the first one; that must have been the only one he attended. I feel sick. I can't breathe. Why would he risk not going to a class? It's only an hour for gods sake. I have no doubt he can feel how angry, sad and confused I am and I hope he feels guilty.

"Right" Judge Lee looks down at the papers. I look over at the board and they're either writing something down or looking from Charlie to Judge Lee, trying to decipher both of their faces.

"Besides the violations and the missed anger management sessions, Mr. Rose has complied with every other parole condition. His weekly drug and alcohol tests, latest one being the 28th of November, have been negative and not once has he refused to take the tests" I breathe a sigh of relief, Hex may have not outright refused the tests but pretty much every time Charlie had dropped in unexpectedly to test him he's been in a bad mood and was rude.

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