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The next morning


I did my morning routine.

It's fucking school again and I need to deal with Oscar. At least I will be with Ni-ki right? Anyways. I don't care about Oscar because he is just annoying. 

I can't believe that I'm alone with Sunghoon. Like why did the teacher put me next to him in class? It's so annoying. 

Should I skip class or not? Yeah no. I'll get bad grades and my mom will scold me even more. I hate my life. 

"We need to go now Sunoo before it's too late" Ni-ki says.

"Alright" I say while walking out the bathroom on my way downstairs.

-Skip time, school- 

Eww. Oscar again..

"What do you want?" I ask Oscar.

"You, Jk who wants you" Oscar says laughing.

Sunghoon suddenly appears.

"Me. Now leave him alone." Sunghoon says.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" Oscar says looking at Sunghoon.

Oh no.

"Just leave him alone? Are you 2 years old and can't understand?" Sunghoon says.

Oscar stands up going near Sunghoon.

"Shut up before I make your life a living hell." Oscar says.

"You don't know me." Sunghoon says.

"And you don't know me." Oscar says.

"Just go away! Wth is wrong with you?" Sunghoon says while pushing Oscar.

"What is your problem? Can't you mind your own business?" Oscar says pushing Sunghoon back.

"Well Sunoo is my friend." Sunghoon says.

Sunghoon my friend? 

"Him? Are you dumb! How can you be friends with him?" Oscar says laughing.

"What's wrong with him having friends? Just because you're the school biggest bully doesn't mean that I'm scared of you." Sunghoon says.

Oscar was looking at Sunghoon and it looked like he was going to kill Sunghoon. Not gonna lie I would have been scared if I was Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon let's leave.." I say holding Sunghoons hand and hopefully he will listen.

"Your lucky this time. But next time I won't hesitate to punch your dirty face." Sunghoon says.

We walk away from Oscar and we go to class.

-Skip time, in class- 

"Why did you protect me?" I ask looking at Sunghoon.

"Because I care for you." Sunghoons says looking at the board.

"Thank you so much.." I say while turning my head to the board trying to focus on class.


Yo he got me smiling.. I'm gonna play cool.

"Sunoo do you want to meet my friends?" I ask.

"Oh yeah sure! Will Ni-ki be there?" Sunoo asks.

Why does he even care if Ni-ki is going to be there.

"Yes he will be there, anyways after this class at the cafeteria alright?" I say.

"Okay!" Sunoo says smiling.

-Skip time, cafeteria-

Me and Sunoo saw my friends and we walked there.

"Hello guys this is Sunoo." I say looking at Sunoo waiting for him to introduce himself.


Oh hell nah. This is embarrassing and stressful. They are all looking at me...

"Oh hi.. I'm Sunoo.. Sunghoon and Ni-kis friend..." I say looking down at my feet.

"Hello Sunoo welcome to the group!" A boy says smiling at me.

"Thank you! Ah what's your name.." I ask the boy sitting with the other boys.

"My name is Jungwon!" The boy I guess Jungwon says.


This boy is the cutest thing I have ever seen NO JOKE. 

"He is so cute help" I whisper to Jay.

"Right" Jay whispers back to me.

"Yah. Stop making Sunoo uncomfortable idiots!" Ni-ki says to me and Jay.

"No no I'm not uncomfortable I'm just not used to be talking to people as handsome as you guys..." Sunoo says looking down again.

"Ahahahahha thanks Sunoo" I say smiling and laughing.



"Okay you guys stfu now let me talk" I say looking at Sunoo.

"Oh shit what happened to him?" Jake asks Jungwon and Jay.

"I don't know let's see." Jay says.

"Sunoo you're so cute, but why are you so alone all the time?" I ask not trying to be rude at all.

"Why did you ask him that?" Sunghoon says looking at me.

"No, I can answer. Well the thing is that no one see me as cute you know? I'm just like a ghost to people." Sunoo says.

"Clearly not a ghost to that idiot Oscar." Sunghoon says with a bit of anger.

"Sunghoon you shouldn't mess with Oscar..." Sunoo says.

"Sunoo is right he broke a guys nose one time." I say.

"Yeah whatever.." Sunghoon says.



I think this is longer than my other part. I'm a bit busy studying so I don't have much time.


Byeeeee <3

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