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The next morning

"Jungwon.. do you want me to make you ramen?" I ask.

"Yes please!" Jungwon says.

"NO DONT!" Sunghoon runs inside of the room.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

"You will burn the whole kitchen!" Sunghoon says.

"What? I'm not a bad cook!" I say.

"Well then I need to stand beside you when you cook." Sunghoon says.

"Pfft, don't you trust me?!" I ask.

"I do, but not with the cooking part." Sunghoon says but I pout at him.

"Okay! I trust you! But I will be in the living room so if you need anything ask me." Sunghoon says.

"Yay! Okay hyung. Bye Jungwon bye Sunghoon hyung!" I say happily running downstairs. 

I walk to the kitchen and take out ramen so I can start to cook it. 

Some moments later

"AHHHHHHHH!" I shout because I burn myself.

"SUNOO! I TOLD YOU THAT YOU CANT COOK!" Sunghoon shouts and runs to me.

"I'm sorry! I forgot that it was hot and I touched the ramen." I say.

"Why would you even touch the ramen in the first place?!" Sunghoon asks.

"I was going to see if it was done." I say.

"That's not how you.. Oh god.." Sunghoon says and slaps himself on the forehead.

"I'm sorry..." I say.

"What happened? I heard someone shout..." Ni-ki says running downstairs to the kitchen.

"Uhm.. I burned myself." I say.

"Are you okay?!" Ni-ki asks.

"Yes I'm okay don't worry.." I say.

"What will we do this week? It's break from school so I guess we need to do something?" Jungwon asks coming to the kitchen.

"Today I'm going to Jeongins place." I say.

"What? Who gave you permission to go there?" Ni-ki asks.


"Calm down." Sunghoon whispers.

"Why do I need anyones permission?" Sunoo asks.

Sometimes he gets on my nerves.

"While I'm kind, cancel it." I say.

"STOP!" Jungwon says.

"Why?" I ask.

"If you are so scared that he will do anything to Sunoo I will go with them." Jungwon says.

"Good idea Jungwon!" Sunoo says.

"And why can't I go?" I asks.

"I don't want you to start another fight." Jungwon says.

"Ugh.." I say.

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