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-Skip time, the next morning-

Oh no.. it's school and I will probably see Seungmin today..

I change my clothes and I go downstairs.

"Good morning!" I say.

"Good morning Sunoo!" Jungwon says.

"Let's go?" I ask.

"You won't eat breakfast?" Jungwon asks.

"No, I'm not really hungry." I say.

"Alright." Jungwon says.

-Skip time, school-

I don't need math. Like I'm smart until I enter math class.

So math leave me alone.

"Sunghoon! Your pen! Please, please! I need it! My pen is gone!" I say turning my head to Sunghoon waiting for a answer.

"No, I told you just one time. Go ask Mr. Min." Sunghoon says turning his head to me.

"Ugh, have you ever heard of "sharing is caring"?" I ask.

"No, never. Now leave me alone." Sunghoon says and turns his head to his math problems and put his hand in front of my face.


I push his hand always from my face and I stand up to walk to Mr. Mins table.

"Uhm, Mr. Min. I would like to have a pen.. my pen is gone and I can't find it." I say.

"Yes ofc Sunoo here!" Mr. Min takes a pen that was on his table and gives it to me.

"Thank you Mr. Min!" I say bowing and walking back to my desk.

"At least Mr. Min knows what "sharing is caring" is." I say to Sunghoon who was looking upset.

"I'm sorry Sunoo." Sunghoon says upset.

"Why are you upset?" I ask sitting down.

"I didn't think you would actually go get a pen from Mr. Min! You should just have stayed a bit more and I would give it to you and Mr. Min never give out his pens!" Sunghoon says.

"Well you were too late! I don't care, I'm just glad I have a pen now." I say.

-Skip time, cafeteria-

"Yes, Sunghoons face when I got a pen from Mr. Min was hilarious!" I say to the others.

"Shut up." Sunghoon says looking pissed.

"But it's weird! He never gives out his pens to anyone. You are the first person he gave one of his pens to." Heeseung says.

"Maybe he thinks you are cute?" Jake says.

"No, that's weird Jake! Don't scare Sunoo." Jay says.

"Well I'm maybe right?" Jake says.

"Yeah I think the same as Jake." Ni-ki says.

"Then Mr. Min is weird!" Jungwon says.

"Why would he think I'm cute? Mr. Min is just kind I guess?" I say.

-Skip time, after school- 

I'm so bored.

I was walking out of the school alone because Sunghoon needed to fix something before going home.

"Hey Sunoo." Seungmin says appearing behind me.

Not again.

"Leave me alone." I say turning around and punch him.

I can't forget about the dare.

"What the hell. Did you just punch me? Fucking asshole." Seungmin says slapping me.

"OW!" I screamed kinda loud.

"Hey Seungmin what are you doing to Sunoo?" Mr. Min says suddenly appearing behind us.

Seungmin immediately turned around bowing.

"Nothing! We are just talking right Sunoo?" Seungmin says turning his head to me kicking my leg.

"Oh yes nothing.." I say.

Seungmin turned his head to Mr. Min and smiled. When Seungmin didn't notice I asked for help.

"I don't trust that Seungmin." Mr. Min goes to Seungmin and me.

"Why don't you trust me? I mean us?" Seungmin says.

"I can see that you are lying. I saw you slapping Sunoo. You will get detention on Monday." Mr. Min says.


"What?! You can't tell me that! School is over!" Seungmin says defending himself.

"Well, we are still in the school area." Mr. Min says.

"But Sunoo punched me first!" Seungmin says shouting a bit.

"I did not see that so I can't give Sunoo detention. Sunoo is your brother right? Treat him a bit better next time." Mr. Min says.

"Ugh, stupid school." Seungmin says walking away from the school area.

"Thank you Mr. Min! You really did save me!" I say.

"I'm always here to help. If you need help with anything else just tell me!" Mr. Min says walking away.

I feel like people start to see me more.

It's actually an amazing feeling! I feel happy!



This is just a chapter with Sunoos pov.


Slay 😍

Byeeee <3

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