My New Baby

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Allie answers her phone and goes into the next stall.
She hangs up and I ask her
"Is everything okay Al?"
"Yeah it should be okay. My mom is having her babies!"
She breaks into a cheesy smile and we strut out of the mall.

"Hudson Animal Shelter?" Aubrey and I say in unison.
"Ingrid's parents own it. She texted me a few weeks ago. She always knew I wanted a puppy."
We all nod in agreement and head toward the shop.
When we get inside I instantly see a little Corgi. And its love at first sight. I look at the little puppy sitting in the corner looking up up at me with sad, big eyes. I just stand an watch him until Ingrid's mom comes up to me and starts talking
"You know this one has been through a lot," she says "he was abandoned and neglected. He's gonna be skittish."
"I'll take him." I said not letting my eyes leave the puppy
"Your sure?"
"Yes I'm sure." I said firmly
"Well okay," she said "I'll get the papers."
I signed the stack of paper and picked up my puppy he had the most adorable ears. He licked my face and I giggled.

When we got home I already had the perfect name picked out for him. Freckles. As I opened the door to my room I see Shawn changing into his boxers.
"Jesus!" I yelled
"Ummmmm..." Shawn said
I instantly covered my face with my hands and shut the door.
I hear Shawn putting his on pants so I uncovered my eyes. And sat in the bed letting Freckles go.
"Listen Beth I'm sorry I know what I did was stupid and you will probably never forgive me. A beautiful girl like you deserves a better man then Anthony will ever be." he says siting on the bed beside me. I blush and fell the tears well up in my eyes. I look up and see Shawn starring at me with his big brown eyes. They look so sad and helpless. Then he leans in and crashes his lips on mine. We both pull away gasping for air.
"Shawn, I can forgive you I know I can but what you did really hurt me and I need some time." I say not even mentioning that he kissed me. A tear slipping from my eye.
"That's okay." he said wiping a tear for my eye. He kind of perks up a bit and asks
"Who's this?" He says pointing to Freckles
"Well... it's our new puppy." I say
"What his name?"
''Freckles." I say shyly
"It's perfect," he says "Just like you."

The Weight {Shawn Mendes}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora