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recap: you suddenly get pushed into a closet


ash: yo what the hell were you thinking out there
yn: i was just asking a question
ash: whatever we are probably gonna be in here. for a while so get comfy
yn : how
ash: first find the light switch

you feel a string so you pull it and on goes the light you look around and see that the closet is kinda big and has a little couch so you walk over and lay down on it not leaving enough room for ash

ash: yo can i sit down too ma?
yn: why should i move, i don't like you i hate you
ash: idc now fucking move so i can sit you were the one snooping on my property
yn: so?
ash: that's trespassing and those pills you saw could've got me and fez put in jail

you move your feet until he sits down then you turn around and lay you head on his lap

yn: can i tell you something

you say with tears forming In your eyes

ash: sure ig
yn: earlier you texted my mom when we were in the car right?
ash: yeah what abt it

you start to cry and ash wipes away your tears

ash: what happend?
yn: we'll she died last year and my dad died to because he overdosed
ash: so who are you living with
yn: well all by myself in our house
ash: your in high school and you live alone
yn: yea ig

suddenly the door swings open and you see two grown men they pull you out and push you both over towards fez. you ash,rue,fez and the dude that was in the car with you all walk out to the car you sit in ashtrays lap again.

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