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i woke up the next day at around 1. today jaden was supposed to take me to that party, he is gonna pick me up at 8. but i didn't have anything to wear so i decided i would ask lexi to take me to the mall. i walk downstairs and see lexi fez and ash.

fez: well goodmoring sleepy head
ash: yea you slept for like 70 hours
yn: i did not it's only 1
lexi: that's pretty late yn
yn: wtv idc lexi can we go to the mall today?
lexi; sure !why tho?
yn; jaden is taking me to a party later and i need a dress
fez: is it the end of summer party?
yn: uhm yea
fez: cool we're going to that too
yn: cool
lexi: yn whos jaden
yn: a fri-
ash; her new boyfriend
lexi: WHAT?
yn: no he's not he's my friend
lexi: oh ok
yn: anyways can we go now?
lexi: sure

me and lexi leave and go to the mall. we shop for a couple hours, until like 6 and i end up finding a really cute dress,

 we shop for a couple hours, until like 6 and i end up finding a really cute dress,

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^ the dress. (if u don't like it imagine sm else)

we go home and get ready for the party. after about an hour jaden texts me that he's at my house. so i put my shoes on and go outside. as soon as i sit down jaden kisses my cheek and then starts driving.

jaden: you look beautiful
yn: and you look handsome
jaden: thank you yn
yn: your welcome jaden and thank you too

soon we guys arrive and when we walk in me and jaden go sit in the couch for a couple minutes then he leaves to go get a drink, i get up and go find lexi, we talk for a couple minutes, then i decided to go dance.

i was dancing for like 10 minutes then i got bored so i went back to the couch and sat next to ash. he just looked at me

yn: hi
ash: wsp
yn: nothing i'm just bored
ash: same i hate party's but i always gotta come with fez
yn: ya i only came for jaden and i don't even know where he went
ash: i seen him by the pool a couple minutes ago idk if he would be there now or not probaly not tho
yn:oh tbh idc
ash: are you and him dating
yn; kinda not really i like him a lot tho
ash: oh cool
yn: yea well i'm gonna go see ya later

i walk upstairs to try to find a bathroom and i do so i go to the bathroom. but when i go back downstairs i see a circle and jaden and some girl making out in the middle.

yn: wtf.

i start to cry and i run past everyone outside. when jaden sees me he stops kissing the girl and runs after me. i just keep running down the road when finnally i stop and just start to cry on the side of the road. jaden comes up to me

jaden: yn im sorry
yn: no your not, i knew i should have never even trusted you
jaden: yn i really like you
yn: no stop saying that. if you liked me you wouldn't have kissed her.
jaden: im sorry
yn: idc bye

i get up and start to walk away again. jaden goes back to the party and i go to my favorite spot by the lake and just sit and watch the stars.

ash pov

i see jaden kissing some random girl then i see yn start crying and she runs out of the house, jaden runs after her. i just stay in the party and look for fez to tell him we need to go home, luckily i find him and lexi at the same time

ash: yn left let's go home
fez: what happend
lexi: probaly that stupid boy
fez: ok well me and lexi are gonna go home will you go look for her ash?
ash:yeah i will

they leave and i start walking down the road looking for her. then u remeber where she goes when she's sad

yn pov

i was just laying on the grass looking at the star and crying, when i hear someone sit next to me. i look and see ash. he sees me crying and it looks like he feels bad, he hugs me and i hug him back and cry into his chest

yn: i thought that he liked me back
ash: he's a jerk just ignore him

he looks me in the eyes and wipes my tears. i think about how i actually love ash and i just forgot about how i loved him before. but ash has always been the one that i have loved.

ash: are you okay yn?
yn: yeah i guess so
ash: yn can i tell you something
yn: yea sure
ash: i love you.
yn: i love you too ash

ash looks me in the eyes and then kisses me. i kiss back, but after about a minute i pull away and hug him. we get up and start to walk home.

uh yea that's the end of the story because i might start a new ashtray one ig 😍😍

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