Episode 2: Parasomnia

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You enter the lab and are greeted by the doctors testing on a live rat. Yikes, that's disgusting.

''Where's asshat?'' You ask them.

''Aww.'' You hear what only can be his voice behind you and you turn around. ''I thought we got over our negative emotions towards each other already.'' Theo grins. ''Or do you have your period?'' He tilts his head as he leans against the door.

''No to both. You watched me die and you did nothing. I'm not forgiving you for that. What's your plan for today?''

''We're going to school, like normal teenagers. We act like we don't know anything about the dread doctors and we try to get their trust.''

You nod. ''And how are you planning on doing that? Giving them flowers and chocolate and asking them on a date?''

He squints. ''You're underestamating my acting skills.''

''Yeah. I am.'' You respond.

Theo laughs softly. ''Watch me. I already have fake parents to help.''

--- (Time skip)

You take a seat in the classroom and put your bag down next to you and your books in front of you on the desk. You open the book, trying to figure out what class this actually is, when you hear the chair next to you move. You look up.

''What's up?'' Theo puts his books onto the table as well. 

You roll your eyes and look back at the book. 

''Try to blend in a little.'' Theo whispers to you. ''I doubt any student here voluntarily looks in a book. The real information we need is what they're-'' He points at scott, lydia and Kira. ''-talking about.'' 

You look up at the group and see them whispering. ''Well, then what are they talking about?''

Theo's head slowly turns back to you, as if he's disappointed or annoyed. ''You have wolf hearing too, listen yourself.'' He whispers and shakes his head in disapproval. 

You watch as the teacher, Mrs. Finch, walks into the classroom and immediately starts talking about the class. ''Who here thinks they should really be in this class?'' She asks suddenly. You see everyone, including Theo, raise their hand so you awkwardly raise your own as well.

--- (Time skip)

You close your locker after changing books and turn around, only to bump into Scott immediately. ''Sorry.'' He mumbles. 

You shake your head. ''No I'm sorry I-''

''Can you come with us for a second?'' He interrupts you. You only now notice that Stiles and Theo are behind him. You know what this is about and simply nod. They go into the men's changing room, which makes you hesitate. 

''Uhm, do I have to go in?'' You question them, awkwardly. ''It's the men's room..''

''There's nobody here, don't worry about it.'' Scott answers. 

You slowly enter, still not being very sure, and you sit down on a bench. When asked, Theo explains how he got turned into a werewolf, and you listen to it all, pretending to be a little surprised by it all, even though you know he is lying. 

Scott and Stiles turned to you. ''What's your story?''

You looked at Theo. You remembered him saying before that when you lie, you always have to steady your heartrate, so others know you're not lying. So you take a deep breath. 

''I was taking my dog for a walk one evening and after what I thought was a wolf howling, it bolted off when I wasn't paying much attention. I ran after it but I lost it eventually. I thought I saw it in the distance, so I walked towards it. I didn't realise at the time that that wolf wasn't my dog. It bit me in the leg. I crawled back home and  asked my father to see it, but when I lifted my pants, there was no bite mark.'' 

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