Episode 4: Condition terminal

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You sigh as you walk around the lab, impatiently. ''He should've been back by now. Right?'' You ask the doctors, who are working, as usual. ''He needs to get here so he can prepare for today. I'm pretty sure he also hasn't slept very well.'' The doctors don't seem bothered by you ranting to them, as they just continue what they're doing. You think for a second, leg twitching. ''I'm going to find him.'' You walk up the stairs and up to the door, but as soon as you open it, Theo's in front of it. ''Hey..'' He looks you up and down for a second, not saying anything. ''I was just going to go find you-'' You stop talking when Theo walks in and practically shoves you aside. ''And I'm getting ignored.'' You roll your eyes and grab the railing. ''You were out for a lot longer, where were you?''

Theo shook his head as he leaned onto the operation table with his arms. ''Stop worrying.'' 

You raise an eyebrow and scoff before walking up to him. ''Theo.'' You put your hand on his shoulder. He smells like he's upset about something. ''Please, come with me.'' 

''To where?'' He avoids eyecontact. 

''My house is not far from here. Please, just come with me.'' You plead. After a few seconds get stands up straight and nods. 

''Fine.'' He turns to you. ''I'll follow you.''

--- (Time skip)

You open the door to your bedroom and step aside, so Theo can walk in before you. ''I know you usually sleep in the lab, but you seem really distressed. Please, sleep here tonight. I just want to know you're safe and get enough rest.'' 

He sits down on your bed. It's only now that you notice some small blood splatches on Theo's fingers. You sit down next to him. It's quiet for a few seconds. ''It's Lydia's. She got in the way and Tracy attacked her. I had to save her.''

You look at him, even though he doesn't look back at you. ''Do you feel guilty?''

Theo lowered his head, thinking. ''I suppose.. this is what it takes to chase your dreams. Hurting people over and over.'' He responds after a few seconds. After a bit more of silence he lifts his head and turns to you. ''The same way I hurt you. I hurt my sister.''

You smile softly. ''I still haven't forgiven you, you know.'' You move your hand to his head to fix his hair, as its a little rusty looking.

He tries to smile a little as well. ''I don't expect you to.'' He looks into your eyes for a while before thinking he's probably making you uncomfortable. He takes his shoes off and lays down on your bed. ''Thanks.'' He speaks softly as he closes his eyes.

You softly pet his head before getting up and walking out, softly closing the door behind you. 

--- (Time skip)

You hear the floor creak from Theo trying his hardest to walk down the stairs quietly. You decide to not say anything about it and just continue making some breakfast. You set everything on the table, and see Theo standing in the doorway. He looks like he's in doubt of entering the room. You smile softly at him and point at the table. ''Sit.'' He hesitantly walks in and sits down at the table. You walk up to the other side of the table and sit down as well. ''Do you feel a little better?''

Theo nods. ''I guess.'' He looks at the plate with still warm food on it. ''I took a little longer because I had to sneak the book into Tracy's room. My guess is someone will find it and start telling the others about it. If that happens, the next step can begin.''

You smirk. ''Well, well, aren't you a little mastermind? Think you can teach me a few of those tricks?''

Theo looks up at you and smiles slightly. ''We have a deal. You help me with my plans and I'll help you control. I suppose I can teach you some of my tricks if that helps you control better.'' He looks at you for a few seconds before looking back at his food and starting to eat. 

You softly smile at him. 
I don't know what it is, but there's something about those eyes.

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