Episode 6: Required reading

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You raise your head as the door to the lab opens. Theo walks in. ''You and I are going to a book club tonight.'' 

A groan escapes your throat as your head falls back. ''I hate reading.''

''Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?'' Theo asks as he starts fiddling with one of the needles the doctors use. ''What were you mainly attracted by before you became.. ?'' He didn't finish the sentence.

''Oh.'' You were surprised. This is not a question you were expecting. ''I think.. guys that take care of themselves?''

''So like.. working out?'' He turns to you, a little confused by your answer.

You shrug. ''I suppose that's one of the things yeah. Why are you asking?'' You tilt your head.

Theo turns his head back to the needle and puts it down. ''One of the pack members still doesn't really trust me. I thought maybe if I would try to get her to like me more, she'd also trust me more.'' 

''Bold move. I like it.'' You grin at him. ''You need some dating advice whilst we're at it?''

He turns to you with a confused expression on his face. ''What's that supposed to mean?''

''Come on. You? Flirting with a girl? Have you ever had a girlfriend? Or even a first kiss?'' You mock him.

He puts down the needle and slowly makes his way over to you. ''I'll have you know I have plenty of experience with girls.'' He sounds a little annoyed. 

''Really?'' You sit down on the operation table.

He stops once he's in front of you and turns towards you. ''Yes.''

You smirk as you play with the collar of his shirt. ''Prove it.'' You whisper. 

You swear you can hear him growl as he places one of his hands on the table and one on your leg, only for it to get interrupted by the doctors walking in, holding a body in their hands. 

Yikes, cockblocked.

Theo steps back and you get up from the table. ''Who's this?'' You ask.

''Josh Diaz.'' The doctors reply.

--- (Time skip)

You enter Scott's house after Theo, lowering your head slightly as you pass scott, as if you're being submissive to him for his alpha status. You gather around the table with the book and the copies. You listen to them discuss before watching everyone grab the book, eventually grabbing one yourself. You sit down on the floor in front of Lydia and Theo, there not being enough space to sit for all of the group on the couch and chairs. 

''Anyone feeling anything yet?'' Scott asked after a while of reading.

''Tired.'' Kira replied with an exhausted voice.

''Hungry.'' Lydia spoke.

''Headache.'' You remarked.

Lydia looked over at you. ''You can't even get a headache.''

You nod. ''I know, that's the point.''

''I think he meant the book.'' Theo spoke up. 

You sighed before turning your head back to the book, but something else got your attention. Malia and Stiles talking in the background about a wound on Stiles' shoulder and a crash. 

What crash? You think to yourself. You stare at the floor for a second before turning back to the book. As you feel like you're actually getting a headache, you scoot over to the chair Lydia's sitting in and rest your head against her leg. Might as well try to gain their trust by making them think I trust them. You try to read for a bit more before eventually just dozing off to sleep.

You wake up a little bit later in the night after hearing the others rustle and feeling Lydia's leg shift. Everyone had been awake for what seemed to be only two minutes. 

''I think it's best if everyone would head home.'' Scott spoke. 

You look over at Theo, who looks like he's been awake for a while longer. He simply nods before looking at you. You nod at him, knowing he wants you to follow him. You get up, say bye to everyone and follow Theo into the car. ''Why were you awake?'' you question him, still not being very awake. 

''I was snooping around and came across Kira. She was sleeping, but she was saying something in her sleep in what I think is Japanese.'' 

You look at him, surprised. ''Did you know what it meant?'' 

She shakes his head. ''No. But I did record it.''

''I know a website that can translate.'' You stated. ''You tell scott what it means tomorrow, it might mean you can get him to trust you more.''

Theo grins as he looks in the mirror at you. ''Even when you're tired you're smart, Y/N.''

You chuckle softly. ''I try my best.'' You lean against the back and doze off again.

--- (Time skip)

You're walking in the hallways of school, when suddenly the lights start flickering. You tilt your head slightly before realising what's happening. ''Here we go.'' You sniff the air, trying to rely on your senses, and find Scott and Theo's. You follow it and eventually see them walking. ''Hey. What's going on?'' You hear footsteps and see Malia coming down a flight of stairs.

''Where's Kira?'' Scott asked, dodging your question.

''Still at the library. Stiles and Lydia are at the hospital.'' Malia responds.

''Doing what?'' You and Theo asked in sinc. 

''Lydia's trying to figure out what happened during her surgery. They said they're just waiting for the power to come back on.'' Malia looks at everyone before shrugging, and you all end up going to the hospital.

--- (Time skip)

''I'm going to try to find my mom, you try to find stiles and Lydia.'' Scott commands. You simply nod and run along with Theo and Malia, when suddenly you hear Scott howl out of pain. 

''I'll find him. You two go after Lydia and Stiles.'' Malia commands now before she runs off.

You look at Theo. He points at a hallway, suggesting you to follow it. You nod and run into the hallway and he disappears, having headed another direction. 

You find Lydia in the operation room but don't open the doors yet. She seems like she's trying to figure something out, so you very quietly open the doors and step in. She slowly turns to you and realises she isn't in her banshee trance anymore. 

''Are you okay?'' You ask.

Lydia shakes her head. ''They're going after someone. Someone called Hayden.'' You pretend to think and look down. ''Isn't that the girl Liam beat up?'' 

Lydia realises you're right and nods. ''We have to call him.'' 

''Yes,'' you agree. ''But I need to escort you out first. I think the doctors are here.'' You hold your hand out for her and she takes it, so you guide her along through the building and out the exit. She calls Liam and you both inform him, but he already seems to know she's a target. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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