Episode 3: Dreamcatchers

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You follow Theo as he silently guides you to the crime scene. He holds his hand in front of you so you don't take another step and just goes to peek. You see him starting to grin and he turns around, back to you again. 

''What?'' You whisper.

''They're completely falling for it. Tracy murdered two people, Donovan is on the run with Scott following him, meaning he's probably going to get caught. All is going to plan.'' 

''Good. Now what?'' 

Theo moves a little closer to you and whispers even softer, making sure nobody hears him. ''I know for a fact that Tracy will be at school tomorrow. Just follow my lead.''

You nod slowly. ''Okay, and what do we do now?'' You feel your cheecks tingle softly as he got closer to you.

There's a moment of silence with just you two looking in each others' eyes, but it's quickly broken as a police officer is searching around the area where they are. ''Let's go.'' he whispers before he hurries away, with you following after him.

--- (Time skip)

You're in class when you hear Liam and Scott whispering to each other. You lower your head and close your eyes to focus on the sound, only to hear that Theo was right. Tracy is indeed at the school right now. You weren't allowed to leave the class five minutes ago when you had to pee, so you probably aren't allowed to go now either. You just sit there, quietly, just reading. Suddenly, Theo shoves a note to you. You quickly look at him, confused, and read it. 

'Everything is going according to plan. Keep quiet.'

You simply nod as you stuff the paper in your book. Better safe than sorry. 

--- (Time Skip (yes, again))

You're walking on the sidewalk towards the woods for a stroll when suddenly you get a hand covering your mouth and pulling you behind a small building. You immediately recognise the scent as Theo's and don't panic. 

"What the hell are you doing?" He spoke.

You slap his hands off you. "Going for a walk? What did you think I was doing? Going to kill someone?" You snarled a little. "Am I not even allowed to walk freely?"

Theo's eyebrows formed a frown. "It's not safe, no. Remember you need to stay hidden. Nobody should follow you." 

"Since when are you deciding what I should do with my free time? Are you my parent now?" 

Theo's eyes started glowing their bright yellow colour as he growled at you, making you back up agaist the wall behind you. You knew you weren't able to win from this guy. He was way too strong. 

"Fine." You sighed. "You ruin everything." You mumble to yourself. 

Before you could say anything else, two fists slam on both sides next to your head against the wall, cracking it slightly. "What was that?" Theo got in your face. 

You take a deep breath and look him right in his eyes. "I didn't want this. I never asked for this. You force me to become something I'm not and then you expect me to follow every command you give me? Like I'm your pet?" 

There is a moment of silence as Theo tries to think of a response. 

"Hello? Is someone there?" You hear suddenly.

"Shit." Theo whispers as he looks around, not finding a way to escape. He grabs your arm and pulls you with him. He breaks open the shed and hurries inside. He quickly finds a blanket and takes it. "Come here." He sits down behind a trash can. You follow and sit in between his legs. He covers the both of you up with a blanket, but it doesn't quite fit, so he pulls you against his chest.

"Is somebody in here?" You hear the unfamiliar voice speak. "Hello?"

You sit there for a few seconds before realising something. Usually, in stressful situations, Theo always manages to keep his heartbeat steady. But right now, it's racing. What's wrong with him? Was it because of the argument earlier?

"I swear I heard something.." the footsteps become less loud as the person exits the shed. 

You wait for a few seconds, to make sure the person is really gone. ''Theo?'' You whisper. ''You can let me go now.''

He looks down and realises he still has his arm around your waist and lets you go, lifting the blanket off you. ''Right..'' He gets up and walks out of the shed, waiting for you to follow. ''We don't have a lot of time left. Scott is probably at the veterinarian's office. I'll go there to trick them.''

''And what do I do?'' You question him as he's about to walk off. 

Theo stops in his path and sighs. ''Just go back to the lab. I'm sure the doctors can use someone to set up everything for when they take Donovan.''

You scoff. ''You expect me to walk that distance?'' You think he's joking, but after a few seconds you realise he's serious. ''Do you? You know I don't have a car or license.''

Theo shakes his head. ''Fine, I'll drive you. Let's just make this quick.''

You follow him onto a parking lot nearby and walk up to his car. You hesitate before entering but decide to enter in the back. Theo seems confused about this but doesn't question it and just sits down behind the wheel. 

There it is again.. that awkward silence. 

You really hate this. The way he's just not saying anything, it makes you think he'd be annoyed or something. ''Did you..'' You hesitate to ask. ''pick me for a reason? Or.. just because I have two sets of DNA?'' You avoid eyecontact in any way and just stare out the window.

Theo looks at you through his mirror and thinks. After a bit he just shrugs. ''Honestly, it wasn't up to me. It was the doctors who chose you. I don't know how they figured out you were a chimera. I didn't even knew the doctors made you part löwenmensch until I asked them about it recently.'' 

You turn to him. ''I'm sorry, lowen who?'' 

He chuckles. ''I'm guessing you didn't know about it either. I didn't find much information on it, but with enough practice,  you should be able to transform into a full lion at some point.'' He pulls up not very far from the lab's location. ''I'll tell you later, but I really do have to go now.'' 

You silently nod, still being rather confused, and get out of the car, making your way to the lab.

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