Chapter 2

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When Rose was cleaned up clean after washing up . Gab could now see how cute this little girl actually was . Rose has a wavy shoulder length hair with some baby hairs framing around her forehead . She's about his waist height and has a pair of round brown eyes , button like nose and small heart shaped plumpy lips . If not because of malnutrition she wouldn't have her cheeks sunken .

" Haven't you drunk water regularly? You look dehydrated . " 

Rose wiped her hair with a towel and shook her head .

Gab grabbed the towel and started drying her hair with the small towel . " Then drink a lot of water in the future . "

Rose obediently nodded.  " I will "

Gab arc up his brows in satisfaction . " Good girl "

Gab set the towel aside and turned Rose body to face him . He then asked . ", Where's the comb? "

Rose clicked her tongue and answered . " We don't have a comb , brother . "

Gab showed a perplexed expression then raised his hand holding a brown comb from the space.  " Then what's this? "

Rose immediately held Gab's wrist and pulled it down around her height and scrunitized the appearance of the comb . " This is not ours . Where did we get such beautifully created comb? "

Gab shook his shoulders and nonchalantly started combing her hair . " Maybe the ghost gave it to us for snatching my memories.  "

" That's absurd brother " Rose chuckled .

Seeing the cute smile upon her face . A faint smile gradually formed on the teenager's lips.  He was an only child in his past life and always wished to have a younger sibling to take care of.  Now , the wish was granted after becoming Gabriel .

The pair of siblings could be seen sitting in their doorsteps . The teenager was styling the toddler's hair , while the toddler is playing with the spiders from a small container within her hands .

The clouds gradually moved away revealing the shining yellow star ahead.  " The incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout.  "

" Down came the rain and washed the spider out.  Up came the sun and dried up all the rain . "

" So the incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again . La la la lala , la lala lala . "

The gentle youthful voice of the teenager rang out as the teenager watched sun shining again . Rose playing with the small spiders secretly paid attention to the lyrics and felt that the song sounds good . It also coincided with their situation as the rain finally stopped and the sun came out again . Rose's eyes sparkled and turned to look at his brother gently singing the song .

" Brother , i never knew you have such an angelic voice . "

Gab got surprised by the sudden praise and couldn't help chuckling . He pinched her nose softly and patted her cheeks.  " You're flattering me.  "

Rose crossed her legs and patted her legs as she carefully looked at him with her beautiful round eyes ." I'm telling the truth brother.  "

Gab smiled then gently asked.  " Do you want yo learn the song? It's simple and easy to memorize.  "

" Yes please "

So polite ... Gab straightened his back and started singing the song again . When he finished singing , Gab asked Rose to repeat after him .

The pair of siblings spent their free time bonding with each other increasing their intimacy and dependence .

Then , Rose suddenly asked a question.  " How did you remember this song brother? Didn't you say that you don't remember anything anymore? "

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