CH2: Ranking the Seasons [EDITING]

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(A/N: "Daddy made you some content..." I plan to edit the Total Drama Island section soon so that my opinions here are updated to my views of Total Drama now. The Total Drama Action/World Tour sections are updated. I'm going to report you if you try to make this book about you. I'm done with all the toxic fans harassing me for having opinions of my own. It's killing my vibe.

Also holy shit. Since I posted this book, I got more than 10 more followers. What the actual living fuck. I greatly appreciate the support but I'm just shocked. I didn't know people still care that much about Total Drama and my Total Drama opinions. It's weird. 

"Daddy made you some content..." so I guess you should enjoy it.)

Total Drama Island

This season was the best! 😍😍😍

Everything about it; the way the episodes were put together, Lindsay flipping off Heather, Duncney... 😍

Whatever, I'm sorry I have to talk about them at least once everyday.

Back to what I was saying, the little and big things about the first season made it the best:

From Beth, LeShawna, Gwen and Lindsay teaching us that you can stand up for yourself,

Bridgette showing us the importance of keeping the peace,

The Killer Bass SLAYIN'! I loved them, honestly. (Even though Katie and Sadie annoyed the living crap out of me...) I still love how they were tight and so well put together! I can't explain it...

Izzy encouraging us to be weird in our own ways,

To DJ being a cinnamon roll...

This is the only season I really like of Total Drama anymore because all of it was so high-quality. The character development, the friendships/relationships the campers build with each other

Total Drama Action:

I'll start with things that I liked about this season. Give you guys some serotonin. (For some reason you care about what I think, so why not.)

LeShawna, Lindsay and Beth fucking owned this season!! I loved their friendship and badass moments. It was great to see women-supporting-women. It was so underrated too; Lindsay and LeShawna should have stayed on longer.

Beth getting more attention was nice, even though she's not my favorite character.

I thought the aftermath show concept was creative. It was refreshing that Geoff and Bridgette were seen as more than a couple making out all the time. I still ship them and I think it's sweet how Bridgette was trying to keep Geoff from being too much like Chris as a host. 


Things I didn't really enjoy...

I feel like the Gwen and Duncan interactions were sort of random and forced, but it makes sense considering the controlling nature Courtney took on.

I understand why Duncan and Courtney didn't get along anymore and I don't like how Courtney became so possessive and controlling over Duncan. Their relationship was on the edge and I have a better understanding and grasp of why.

But people need to understand that. If you're in a relationship where you are only unhappy, get that person out of your life. I'm a little happy for Duncan for doing that because it takes guts to let go of someone that you care about who has lost a grasp of who they are.

Total Drama OpinionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora