CH3: My Favorite Characters

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(I was originally going to show you the cover for the book I made five years ago, but Wattpad isn't pulling it up. I don't really care about that though. The book cover wouldn't show up properly on the book anyway.

Anyway, any unreasonable Gwen slander for the image -> I'm reporting you. Total Drama is a cartoon, fictional show. If you aren't going to have some common courtesy here, gtfo. Thanks.

"Daddy made you more content" so I hope you like it.)

If you read every section of this book originally, you'll probably remember how obsessed I was with Courtney. She was my favorite Total Drama character for a long time, I grew attached to her character as a kid. I was kind of like her biggest fan sort of ever since?

I had this big sort of essay/monologue about why she was my favorite player and I used several adjectives that don't really refer to her evolution as a character through the later seasons. I was all "She's so innocent and sweet and..." but I feel like that only suits Total Drama Island Courtney because that who Courtney was initially.

In the beginning, when most of the characters were at their best, Courtney was kind of innocent, modest, and friendly yet ambitious and competitive. During the Total Drama Island time period, she also had integrity in terms of being a supportive teammate and usually following the rules on purpose.

Like even though she didn't want to wear the antlers, she wore them anyway. It must've been really embarrassing but I respect her for doing that because she valued being a member of the Killer Bass and didn't want to make them lose for breaking the rules.

Anyway, the reason why I rewrote this chapter is to emphasize that I don't really like Courtney as much as I used to anymore and explain why my favorite Total Drama person changed.

I used to always ignore the fact that she was kind of mean and possessive towards Duncan and she always wanted to bend the rules in later seasons. I saw how detrimental her character evolution was but I pushed it aside because I still believed that Courtney was a great character. I do agree with some people that the writers did Courtney dirty but that still doesn't change any of the decisions that she made and how Duncney became a toxic relationship without me noticing.

I'm not saying that I don't ship Duncan and Courtney anymore. Believe me, I do. I just kind of understand Duncan's plight now because of how Courtney treated him and how their relationship became unhealthy and unbalanced.


Enough about that. I feel like I overanalyzed that whole passage, so I'm going to get down to the core stuff. Now I'm basically going to tell you about my new favorite Total Drama character and why I have higher regards for them, etc.

As of now, I think my favorite person from Total Drama is either Bridgette or Trent. I don't care about how basic or non-basic that may sound because I think that they are both relatively well sculpted characters.

Why Bridgette?

Bridgette is one of my favorite people because of her peacemaker aura that kind of relates to me. Even though this was mostly in Total Drama Island, Bridgette was a great friend who stayed true to herself. She was selfless and kind in the sense of being there for other campers when they needed a friend or someone to talk to. Also kudos to her for caring about the environment and animals.

I don't recall her really judging other players for their mistakes or openly being mean to anyone without a good reason in any of her appearances. And when Bridgette was a show host, she tried to keep the tension very low and didn't want anyone to get hurt.

I can't help but feel like Bridgette kind of reminds me of me but much less dramatic and I love her for it.

Why Trent?

I feel like Trent is often an overlooked guy compared to Duncan and Alejandro. Trent is laid back, nonjudgmental, cool person to be around. He has great friendships with most of the campers in the seasons he appears on. He plays guitar! I kind of remember Trent being an honest and peacemaker guy too. He didn't like when Duncan would pick fights with other people and I respect that.

I don't like what the writers turned him into for Total Drama Action, but I still think that he was a good character. He ran with a boulder in his arms to show Gwen that he loved her. If that is not love, I don't know what it is. Trent would be like the perfect boyfriend and he deserves more recognition for being a semi-edgy cinnamon bun.

Trent is cool, underrated and deserves better. :)


That's pretty much it. If you want to tell me who your favorite Total Drama character is in the comments, go ahead. If you don't judge me, I won't judge you. I won't be writing any new Total Drama stuff, but I do intend on editing these chapters so that they are updated with my actual Total Drama opinions.

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