CH4: Ranking The Seasons (cont.)

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(Anime gifs [ex: Twice and Toga, above] to make republishing these chapters more enjoyable. I'll need to work on making these opinions more accurate to what I think now, but here.)

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

Things I liked...

I do think that Mike was a great representation for people with multiple personality disorder. Scott was okay. Anne-Maria was a sassy badass in her own way which I guess I liked.

If I had to choose a favorite, it would be Cameron I guess. He's shy, smart, and adorable. But that's probably just me because everyone (including me) has a special place in their hearts for the original cast.

Things I didn't really like...

This season was okay, but I didn't really like it. The characters weren't as great as the original cast, toxic waste? Really... Almost all of the characters were overly nice and/or didn't really have any substantial personalities. Zoey was a perfect example of this. Chris was a redeeming quality because he's iconic. I mean, you can't have Total Drama without Chris McLean.

Total Drama: All-Stars

Things I liked...

Most of the original cast. The original cast is part of why I liked Total Drama for so long. The characters are timeless, their personalities and character development were (mostly) well put together. It's always appreciated to a seasoned fan like me.

Lindsay's short visit was one of my favorite things. I love her so much; you don't understand. I loved when she said to Courtney: "I think Duncan wants you to yell at him. You know, for old times sake." It was really sweet and endearing and it showed us again that's she's an angel. I love Lindsay, even if she's not my favorite.

On the contrary, thank God for Aleheather. Alejandro's voice was kinda weird this season, but at least they had him there. Heather cared more when he ignored her than when she got her head shaved off too, which I found really sweet. But the best part was on the wrestling episode when Alejandro SLAYED Jose for "CALLING ANY ASPECT OF HEATHER UNATTRACTIVE!" I mean DANG! 

I need to stop but I can't, it was just too romantic and badass and awesome and yeah. I'd let him punch his brother for me anytime. >~< 

I thought the Mal arc was interesting.

Things that didn't endure well...

The teams were kind of cliche. 

Sierra's obsession with Cameron instead of Cody was really cringey and disturbing. She didn't have any real character development. She needs therapy, and I don't think I say that enough.

I thought Scott and Courtney was cute but it only lasted for three episodes. Their relationship didn't make sense to me for that reason.

Duncan being indecisive was relatable as fuck, but he really should have not been so suddenly obsessed with getting Courtney's attention.

I was annoyed with how long it took Zoey to figure out what was going on. I was never a real fan of her character to begin with, and I feel like there are other characters in All Stars that could have been better contenders for the finale.

Pakitew Island

Things I liked...

The only real thing I liked about it was Jasmine. I feel like there aren't a lot of strong, empowering POC characters in cartoons depicted the way that she was. She was a cool character who I could sort of relate to and the way she had Shawn wrapped around her finger was so powerful. 

Samey finding her own strength was a nice touch and something I could relate to.

Scarlett becoming her own person was interesting, but I still don't have a lot of sentimentality for Pakitew Island.

Things I didn't really like...

I genuinely thought this season was the worst.

They took out the original cast, 98% of the characters this season got on my nerves, and the island is different. ;-;

I didn't really like it at all except Jasmine, Samey (kinda), and Scarlett.

Pakitew Island was just not the same as the first season with the original cast and I didn't like it. I still don't and I don't really have any opinions on it for that reason.

The Ridonculous Race

Things I really liked...

I loved that Noah, Owen and Geoff were part of the cast.

Geoff bringing up Bridgette in almost every conversation was sweet and I thought Brody and Geoff's bromance was entertaining to watch. 

I did sorta like Crimson and Ennui. They never fell for Jacque and Jose's tricks and I loved that. Their relationship was healthy and they weren't phased by seeing each other outside of their usual goth makeup. Their adoption of Loki the bunny was cute.

I liked Kitty a lot. I feel like she and Lindsay would have been good friends if she was there too.

Don was a nicer host, so I'm glad the characters had that.

Things I didn't really like...

As the episodes went by, the season got worse.

Jacque and Josee were trying too hard to be like Alejandro and Heather and their behavior showed that.

I feel like Emma and Noah's relationship was kinda forced, especially considering it took Noah so long to get her to notice him. 

I liked the Ridonculous Race, but it isn't my favorite season. 

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