CH5: My Thoughts on Obscure Ships

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Obscure Ships


I do ship Mike and Zoey and I do think that the two go together really well. But the thing is, they are just too awkward, sappy-ish, and boring for me.

I've realized that overtime, but I still ship them, though.


I kind of ship it. I like the LGBTQ aspect of it.

José and Courtney

I kinda ship them.

I mean- I can (and can't) see why people ship José and Courtney together.

But when it comes down to it, they've never had any real interactions on All-Stars. José is a horrible person to his girlfriends and exes. Courtney is too strong for a guy like that. AND she just got over two breakups.

So yeah, I don't ship them.


I love/loved Geoff and Brody's bromance in the Ridonculous Race, it was sooo sweet and heartwarming!

However, I have shipped Gidgette since season one and they are better together as bros or extended brothers and best friends.

If that makes any sense...

Brody and MacArthur

I don't know why but shipping these two together bothers me.

I can see why people do it and what makes people think Brody & MacArthur would be great for each other as well. It just randomly irks me...

Any Ship with Duncan that isn't with Courtney

I'm kind of open to it, but I'm also a strict Duncan and Courtney shipper. I mean, as long as you aren't an a$shole about your ships then I don't mind.

Lyler/Lindler/Lindsay x Tyler

Love these two! They're adorable and cute and fit each other perfectly.

Their little moments together were funny and heartwarming. The best was when Lindsay FINALLY remembered who Tyler was!


Jasmine and Shawn

I ship them, but not as much as Lindsay and Tyler, or Aleheather and my other OTPs. If you know what I mean...

Scarlett and Max

They're problematic and she literally talks trash about him in her confessional.

Crimson and Ennui

I love them, I guess. They are a match made in heaven and their bunny is absolutely adorable... As quiet and sarcastic as Crimson and Ennui are, they have a talent for (sort of) adding in a strange form of comic relief.

But the most romantic part is when they didn't judge each other without makeup and still loved each was sooo touching and heartwarming.

I definitely ship them. Crennui?

Let me know what you want their ship name to be in the comments, because I'm down to making it an official thing.

Blaineley and Geoff

Absolutely not. He specifically sings a song about what a horrible person she is. So why would a sweet guy like Geoff go out with someone like her?

Enough said.

Sky and Dave or Dave and Ella

I'm sorry, but I really don't care. Sky or Ella? Ella or Sky?

I don't like this season, I never did and at least 80% of the characters are just the worst.

So I simply don't care and it doesn't matter to me. Like, at all.

Gwen and Cody

Meh. I just don't see it, this ship literally makes no sense. I guess if it's a crack pairing, but otherwise,

It's just an illogical no-no.

Scott and Dawn

Scott was mean to Dawn and he got her voted off.

Why would you ship someone with their nemesis or worst enemy?

Once again, this is a ship that has no logic. But I don't judge people who ship 'Dott' and have their stories about them and blogs and things...

I just think that their personalities clash and they honestly would be a senseless couple that would break up sooner than other people think.

Kitty and Mickey

I thought they were really cute, but I guess that's it. I don't ship them a huge deal, but Kitty and Mickey were cute together.

With their little interactions...🤪

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