CH11: The Ending (Thank God)

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(Play the song before you read my conclusion for this book to get a better feel for how painful it is to feel like one of your favorite hobbies is gnawing at you alive mentally-emotionally. :')

 To the people I care about, I hope you aren't disappointed that I'm not writing any more Total Drama opinions. It's too much of a toll on my mental health. I feel like my work has betrayed me. It hurts that my writing has become the source of my unnecessary stress and pain at this point in time. I can't write stuff like this anymore unless I really want to make myself hurt.)

I can't be happier that I'm ending this book. It was painful to post this stuff again and edit my opinions so they are current.

I never thought I'd see the day when my work and one of my favorite things to do would become the source of my stress and pain. Mentally and emotionally, it fucking sucks to feel like something you love is hurting you. 

I don't think that I can get all of the rude people who have ruined Total Drama to leave me alone. At least I can end this book and let it all go. I look forward to updating books I am actually proud of and can't wait to finish, the way I wanted to when I first got into Wattpad.

Part of me is really amused by some of this though. People get riled up over the stupidest things, I swear. It's so ironic how relevant Total Drama fans who aren't emotionally mature enough to accept that other people have different beliefs than them are to the real world. It's embarrassing how crazy and irrational people can be when they have to decide whether to be courteous people or intolerant little shits who only care about their beliefs.

In terms of my progress and resolving all of this, the only person I really have to thank is myself and my babe. I don't want toxic Total Drama fans to harass her, so I'm not tagging her here. I don't give myself enough credit for the shit I put up with on here. I am more than what I write and I'm glad that I can understand that now. I am so excited to write what I love. From now on, I will write about things that make me happy and hope that I can make other people happy with that. 

I want to thank my supporters as well, but my girlfriend has been my greatest supporter through all of this. It was easy for me to decide that Total Drama opinions are not something I care about anymore, but confronting and standing beside that belief has been difficult. Now that I've done it, I feel relieved and more.

My heart still aches to feel like my writing is being turned against me and made into something it's not. But eventually, I will feel better from finishing this book and being done with dealing with these intolerant people who have ruined a show I loved for me.

This is how we will end it and I am at peace with it.

I am going to report anyone who tries to bully me for putting my mental health first and I hope that karma takes good care of them. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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