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Harry's off out tonight. He's single, never having a proper boyfriend. He hates the fact that he's single. All he wants is the love of a good man. He thinks he's unlovable. That makes him sad. You see, Harry stutters, and most people he meets hate that he does. They laugh or make jokes about him.

He gets used and thrown away like rubbish and ends up crying alone in his bed.

He dresses in a lovely dark blue shirt, black skinny jeans and his favourite Chelsea boots, puts on his favourite cologne and grabs his wallet, phone and house keys.

He says goodbye to his cats, Dusty and Molly, and heads off.


He ends up at a club, Zayn's, and hangs around outside, too shy and nervous to go inside. He leans against a wall and bites his nails as he watches people go in and out. He wishes he could pluck up the courage to go in.

"Hey. You ok?" He hears a voice and looks up. In front of him is the most beautiful man he thinks he's ever seen. Blue eyes, brown hair and a lovely smile. "Are you waiting for someone?"

Harry lifts himself away from the wall and stutters, "um...um no...I...I...er..." He wishes he wasn't such an idiot. His mouth just doesn't want to work.

The other guy smiles wider. "Come inside then. It's freezing out here." He motions to the door and starts walking. Harry follows, nervously, tripping over his feet as he enters the club. The noise hits him straight away, music pounding, making the floorboards shudder, flashing lights dazzle him as he pushes his way through the crowd to the bar, not losing the guy in front of him.

"You want a drink?" The guy asks.

Harry nods. "A...a lager p-please." Damn this stupid stutter.

The guys nods and smiles, catching the attention of a barman. "Hey Luke. Can I get two lagers please?"

"Nice to see you again, Lou, coming right up."

He pays for two bottles, handing one to Harry, who took it with his hands shaking, taking a quick swig to calm his nerves.

"You wanna sit? There's a free table over there."

Harry follows the guy, who he now knows is called Lou, to the table and they sit opposite each other.

"So...why were you hanging around outside?"

Harry looks at him. "Oh...I...um..." He takes a deep breath. "Sorry....I....I stutter a...a bit...."

Lou smiles. "It's ok."

"I...wanted a...a d-drink, just....p-plucking up c-courage."

"Why do you need to do that? You're shy?"

Harry nods and takes another drink.

"You've not been here before, I'm guessing? Where do you usually go?"

Harry feels hot. "I...I don't."

"You don't? You don't go out? Why not?"

"I...I think I sh-should go n-now."

"Please don't. I didn't mean to be intrusive."

Harry shook his head. "I...I know." He sighed. "You c-can go. I'll be ok. Don't w-want to ruin your n-night."

Lou put his hand on top of Harry's, sending shivers over his body. "I'm not going. Looks like you need a friend right now. Would you like that? Maybe go somewhere quieter? Are you hungry?"

Harry smiled and nodded.

They decided on getting fish and chips in a chippie in town. It wasn't too busy, still a bit early for party goers.

"I didn't introduce myself. I'm Louis." Louis said holding his hand out. Harry shook it.


"Nice to meet you." Louis laughed as he tucked into his fish.

"You t-too."

Harry was extremely nervous. He fumbled with his food.

"Is it OK? The food?"

"Y-yes it's n-nice. Th-th...." He sighed.

"Try to relax. I'm not gonna bite you....unless you want me to."

Harry nearly choked on a chip, and stared at Louis. He had a glint in his eyes that went straight to Harry's groin.

He adjusted himself, trying not to make it too obvious.

Louis laughed. "I'm kidding. Unless you do like that?"

Harry blushed. His mouth wouldn't work at all now. He took a long gulp of his cola.

"Sorry. I'm making you uncomfortable. Do you have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend I don't know."

Harry's face was hot and bright red. He shook his head.

Louis smiled.

"You're cute."

Harry felt faint. He looked to the ground.

"Hey. Don't look down. I want to see your beautiful face."

Harry was sure he was going to pass out.

"Come back to mine?"



So....this is edging but totally different.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Hope you're all OK. All the love. L. Xx


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