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It was 7.30 when Louis woke up. He immediately checked his phone to see if Harry had answered his text. His heart dropped when he saw it had been read but not replied to. He hoped he hadn't scared Harry off. He really liked him and wanted to see him again.

After a while of thinking about the boy with the dazzling green eyes, he got up, showered and dressed and made his way down to the kitchen.

"Hello Lou." Niall said. He was sat at the table eating toast. "Did you dream about lover boy?" He smirked.

"No. I can't stop thinking about him though."

"Did you wank over him yet? Hope you cleaned up the shower after?"

"Fuck off Ni." Louis replied, laughing. He made himself a mug of tea and a bowl of cereal and sat opposite his friend.

"He really is pretty though."

"Aw lil Louis' in love already." Niall teased.

Louis blushed. Can you fall in love so quickly? It's never happened to him before. He's never truly been in love, only having casual relationships. It feels different with Harry though.

"I think I might be. But I need to see him again. And soon."

"Well...you know where he lives and works, go get him."

"I don't want to scare him off."

"Louis...you like him. You won't know if you don't try. At least go talk to him."

"Ok. I'll do it. I'll go on my way to work."

"Good lad."


It was 8.30 as Louis walked slowly along the street where Harry lived. He felt nervous to see him again.

He approached the newsagents, looking up as 3 lads ran past him, bottles and cans in their arms and laughing madly.

Then a fourth lad ran past him, he noticed blood on his hand and Louis panicked. They had ran from the newsagents.

Louis started running towards the shop and burst in the door. He found Harry slumped on the floor.

"Harry! Oh shit. What happened?" He asked as he dropped to the floor, lifting his upper body. Harry's head fell back onto Louis arm and he could feel blood seeping through his sleeve.

"Fuck." Louis quickly pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance, just as the door swung open.

"What the hell?" A man said. "What have you done to him? Get away."

"No. I just found him. I know him. I called an ambulance. Its on it's way."

The guy sat the other side of Harry. "Do you know what happened? I'm his boss."

"I saw four lads running out. They had alcohol."

"Fuck. I shouldn't have gone out. I was only over the road."

Harry groaned in Louis' arms as he started regaining consciousness.

His hand rose to his head. "Owww."

"Harry. You're OK." Louis said, slight relief in his voice.

"B-Boys!" Harry started panicking and tried to get up. Louis held him down.

"You need to stay still. Your head is bleeding."

"'B-Boys!" He said again as a tear trickled down his cheek on to Louis' hand.

"Don't worry about those boys Harry. What matters is that you're OK." Simon added.

They saw flashing lights outside and two paramedics entered the shop.


Harry was taken to hospital. Louis stayed by his side.

He had to have stitches in the back of his head.

He lay on a bed waiting to be discharged. His head ached.

"How you feeling?" Louis asked.

"Ok." Harry replied, shyly. "Y-You can go i-if you want."

"What? No. I'm not leaving you alone. I'm taking you home."

"No. I-I can go on m-my own.  I'm f-fine."

"Harry, the Doctor said you need someone to take you home. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

But Harry did worry. He didn't want Louis to see the dump he lived in.

"J-Just to my d-door then." He replied, looking down at his lap.

"I don't know Harry. I should stay, make sure you're OK."

"I'll be f-fine."

Louis shrugged.


Harry was soon discharged.

They took a bus and got dropped off just up the road from Harry's flat.

They walked slowly to his home and stood outside. Simon had seen them and was soon outside.

"Oh Harry. How are you? Are you ok?" He fretted.

"I-I'm OK th-thanks."

"That's good. Take the day off. See how you are tomorrow. Look after him please." He said to Louis.

Louis wasn't sure he liked Simon. It sounded like he was expecting him to go back to work tomorrow. He thought Harry needed longer to recover, not just from his injury, but from the trauma.

Simon went back to his shop. "I still think I should come in with you."

Harry shook his head. "I'll b-be ok."

Louis frowned. "Please Harry. I'm worried about you. I just need to make sure you're OK."

"I'm f-fine. Please L-Louis."

Louis sighed. "Ok. But please call or text me if you need me?"

Harry smiled. "Th-Thank you."

Louis moved closer and hugged Harry, smelling the stuff the hospital had put on his head wound. "Look after yourself." He whispered.

They broke the hug and Louis stood back.

"I'll drop by tomorrow."

Harry nodded.

"Bye then."

Harry turned and unlocked his door, going inside, he smiled once more at Louis then closed the door.

He walked up the stairs to his flat and went inside. He laid straight down on his bed, on his side that was uninjured and started crying into his pillow. Molly immediately jumped up and curled up by his side, purring. Harry stroked her as his tears soaked his pillow.

He was glad when he finally fell asleep.



Thoughts on the chapter?

Might be more later. All the love. L. Xx


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