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It was evening, and all 5 lads were sat in the living room.

"I'm so hungry, I could eat Liam." Niall said.

Everyone laughed, except Harry, who looked worried.

"Jesus Ni. You're always hungry and so bloody dramatic!" Zayn slapped him.

"Ow. What you do that for?" Niall yelped, rubbing his arm.

There was a knock at the door, Niall jumped up and ran.

"My God. You think he hadn't eaten for a week." Louis said to Harry, who still looked concerned. "Don't worry about him, he's always hungry."

Harry nodded and snapped his wristband.

"Grubs up!" Niall shouted from the kitchen.

Liam collected the plates, Zayn the lager, and Niall had the bags of food. They carried it all into the living room, and placed it on the table that sat in front of a huge window, that looked out into the garden.

"Harry, come get it." Louis said, motioning him to get up.

They sat at the table and ate pizza, drank lager, talked and laughed. Harry tried to join in, but he was nervous and shy. He would look at the food in front of him, and his stomach would clench. It was way too much.

He wasn't used to eating such rich food, being used to soup or sandwiches, and he felt nauseous.

"I was thinking you could spend the day at the sports centre tomorrow, I can get you a free day pass." Louis said to Harry.

Harry looked at him. "Wh-What?"

"The sports centre, I can get you a day pass, if you'd like that?"

Harry didn't know what to say. He'd like to spend the day with Louis, but not having to use the facilities.

"I...I'll think a-about it." He whispered in reply. Louis smiled.

"So Harry. Have you thought about what kind of job you want? I'm assuming you don't want to work in another newsagents?" Liam asked.

"Um...no I...I d-don't know." He picked at his pizza.

"You gonna eat that, Harry?" Niall asked, pointing at Harry's half eaten food.

"Leave him alone Ni. He'll eat it when he wants to." Louis said, glaring at his friend. "You haven't even finished your own yet. Greedy git."

"Anyone want another drink?" Zayn asked, getting up and taking the empty bottles from the table.

"I will." Niall replied, handing Zayn his bottle."

"Thought you would." Louis laughed. "Pisshead."

Harry shook his head when Zayn looked at his bottle that was nearly full. Zayn smiled, he could see Harry wasn't feeling quite comfortable.

"You alright Harry?" Louis whispered as the others argued over who would eat all of their pizza.

Harry nodded, but kept his head down. His stomach ached and he felt sick.

"N-Need toilet." He replied, getting up from his chair and heading off upstairs.

"Where's he going?" Niall asked.


Harry stumbled up the stairs. He went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him, holding his aching stomach.

He knelt in front of the toilet and stuck his fingers down his throat, immediately bringing up the small amount of pizza he'd just eaten.

He sat back and cried. He didn't want to do it, but he was in pain. He flushed the toilet, brushed his teeth, washed his hands and splashed cold water on his face. He looked up at himself in the mirror, not liking his reflection.

He frowned. "I hate y-you." He said as another tear streaked down his pale face.

He left the bathroom and went to his bedroom. His cats were asleep on his bed. He stripped and put his pyjamas on, got into his bed and coveted himself with his duvet. His cats positioned themselves so they were closer to him and he fell asleep.


"He's been a long time." Zayn said, after Harry had been gone for ten minutes.

"I'll go see if he's OK." Louis replied.

He went up to the bathroom. The door was open, Harry wasn't there. He went to his bedroom. He opened the door. The curtains were closed and the light was off, but he could see Harry in his bed asleep. He didn't wake him, and went back downstairs.


"He's asleep."

"Oh. He could've said he was going to bed." Liam said.

"He mightv'e been embarrassed or too shy. You've got to remember what he's like. Don't be hard on him." Louis said.

The lads finished the pizzas and cleaned up. "I'm off to the club, you guys coming?" Zayn said.

"I'm in." Niall said, grabbing his coat.

"Might as well." Liam added.

"I'll stay here in case Harry wakes up and wonders where we are." Louis said.

"Just leave him a note. He probably won't wake up anyway."

"No. It's fine. I'm tired. You have a good time. See you tomorrow."

"Fine. See ya." Niall said.

They all left the house.

Louis thought about watching something on TV, but decided to go up to bed instead.

He had a quick shower, brushed his teeth and got into bed.

He went on twitter for a bit, chatting to random people about this and that. Every now and then he would hear Harry mumble or make weird noises. He'd watch him fidget, moving about quite  bit. He wondered what he was dreaming about. He hoped he wasn't having nightmares. If only he could see into Harry's mind. He'd love to know what he's thinking about.

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