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The cars pulled into the driveway outside the lads house. They all got out of the vehicles and Harry looked up at the big building. It was a detached house, painted white.  It looked expensive, and very pretty, with miniature trees in pots either side of the front door, and flowers all along the wall. Harry smiled.

"Come inside then." Louis said as he took the cat carrier from Harry's hands walking towards the front door.

The other lads took Harry's belongings from the car and they all went inside.

"We'll take your stuff up to my room." Louis said. "You sure you're OK with sharing?"

Harry nodded, and smiled, walking towards the stairs.

"No, you need to rest. Make yourself comfy, we'll be down soon." He put the cat box on the floor.

Harry opened the door and his cats came out, looking around and sniffing everything.

He walked over to one of the big sofas and sat down, his cats immediately jumped on his lap, and he stroked them as he took in the amazing living room.


"He's very quiet isn't he?" Niall said opening a box.

"He's self conscious about his stutter. Please don't ever make fun of him. I don't think he's a very happy kid."

"Of course I wouldn't. I'd never do that." Niall replied. "He doesn't own much stuff does he?"

"Wonder why?" Zayn added.

"I don't know. Haven't spoken that much." Louis responded.

"And you let him move in? He could be a serial killer for all you know." Liam added.

"Stop being so dumb. You've seen him. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Just try and be nice."

They all nodded, emptying the boxes, for Harry to put away.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late for work." Liam said, looking at his watch.

"Me too." Zayn didn't really have to go to work, he owns the club after all, but he likes to oversee everything. "Come to the club later, celebrate our new housemate."

"I'm not sure. I'll ask him."

"I need to go too. Are you coming Lou?" Niall said.

"Nah. Took the day off, seemed rude to leave Harry alone straight away."

"Right, well we need to go. See you later."

They all went back downstairs, the other guys wanted to say goodbye.

"Oh my God. Would you look at this." Niall said, his hand over his heart. "That's so bloody adorable."

Louis moved closer to the sofa and saw Harry fast asleep with both cats snuggled up next to him.

"Poor boy. Must be exhausted. He was quite fidgety last night."

"Wait! What? You slept together?" Liam nearly yelled.

"Shhhhhh. Fucks sake Li." He pulled him by his arm out into the hall. "I slept in his bed cos he needed company. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I'd never take advantage of him in the state he was in."

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. Don't get your knickers in a twist."

"Ok. Well. You should be going. See you all later." Louis said.

The lads all headed off to work, leaving Louis alone with Harry and his cats.

He did some cleaning, he's not a slob, but the kitchen was a mess from yesterday, as nobody had cleaned up in his absence.

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