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"Fuck, Lou. Is he ok?" Niall asked.

"I don't know. He's not exactly talkative. He says he's fine, I have to take his word for it."

"You should call him. Make sure he is OK."

Louis nodded and was just about to pick up his phone, when it rang.

"It's him." He said. "Harry? Are you ok?"

He heard sniffling on the other end. "Harry?"

"L-Lou. I...I..."

"Don't talk. Can I come over? Please? I'm worried bout you."

There was a pause before Harry answered. "Y-Yes."

"I'm on my way. Be five minutes." He hung up.

"He's crying. I need to see him." He said to Niall.

"Sure. Let me know how he is."

Louis hugged him and made his way out.


Louis was knocking on Harry's door, but there was no reply. He called him but there was no answer.

"Hey...is everything alright? I heard you knocking. Is he not answering?" It was Simon. He was locking the shop up for the night.

"He called me. He was crying. He won't let me in though."

"I left him not long ago. The police came around and took statements. He was very quiet, but answered the questions. He said he was OK when I left him."

Simon took his spare keys out and unlocked the door for him.  They went up to Harry's door. He handed him a card with his number on. "Text me. Let me know he's alright."

Louis nodded, as he unlocked the door, knocking as he went inside.

"Harry? It's me, Louis. I'm coming in ok?"

The room was dark, the curtains closed. The smell of damp hit him straight away. He fumbled on the wall finding a light switch, he flicked it and a dull light lit the room.

He saw a figure laying on the bed that was in one corner. He walked towards him.

He sat on the edge. "Harry. It's Louis." He said.

Harry opened his eyes. They were red, wet and full of sadness.

"Oh Harry. I wish you'd let me stay earlier. I've been so worried about you."

Fresh tears fell from Harry's eyes.

"Can I....is it OK if I lay beside you?"

Harry's heart fluttered, and he nodded, moving over a bit on the small bed.

Louis laid down and pulled Harry towards him. Harry rested his head on Louis' chest and gripped his shirt.

Louis hand rubbed Harry's back, trying to comfort the trembling boy.

Harry cried quietly, until he tired himself out and he fell asleep.


When Louis woke again, he had a cat laying on his legs and another's tail on his face. It tickled and he moved it out of the way.

The movement woke Harry up.

"Hi." Louis said, as Harry looked up at him. "How you feeling?"

"My head h-hurts." He winced.

"I'll get you some of those painkillers the Doctor gave you."

"Not y-yet. Don't l-leave me." He whimpered.

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