44 - ᴏʜ...

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ATHENA SAT in the living room of the Cullen house, laughing with Luna about a story from when she was younger - Luna's mortal life younger. That conversation paused as Bella and a clearly extremely angered Edward walked the door. They headed straight to Carlisle's office without even saying a word to each other or anyone else they walked by, it intrigued her but it wasn't her business.

About fifteen minutes later, the conversation with Luna stopped when Alice asked her to go for a walk with her. So Athena went to go upstairs, in search of Jasper or to use his tv in his bedroom. Only when she walked past Carlile's office, did she stop and just listen - sensing something was deeply wrong by the way that Edward held himself. "Jacob kissed me and I punched him in the face," Bella chuckled as Carlilse wound a bandage around her broken wrist

"He did what? Did you say it was okay to do so?" Athena asked, now stepping into the doorway that she had previously been looking through as she had a wordless conversation with Edward. Bella looked up to her then back down to the ground, an uneasy look in her eyes occurred as she looked back to Edward. From that, and Edward's clenched fists, she got the picture.

"Well-" Bella trailed off, speaking so quietly that a mortal probably wouldn't have been able to hear it. Athena could hardly hear it herself, too focused on the rage that tensed her muscles.

"I'll be right back," she smiled softly, trying to hide the pure fury from everyone in the room. She turned on her heels and ran down the stairs - choosing to ignore Bella's calls for her to stop and to follow Edwards's thought of fury that he could not have done something because of the treaty. Athena didn't follow the treaty, so she could do all she wanted. Within reason of course, and this... well... it was definitely reason enough to cause some harm.

As she reached the Black house, she slammed the door open and sped directly to Jacob's bedroom, knocking on the door so hard that the wood nearly splintered beneath her fists. "Jacob Black!" she exclaimed, anger showing clearly through her booming voice. Billy turned up behind her, eyebrow raised as he peered at her with slight concern but mostly confusion.

"What did he-"

"You sick sick little boy," Athena seethed as he opened the door. She punched his shoulder, hard, four times. Once for Bella, twice for Bella and once for Edward since he couldn't do it himself. The other time was for her and the entire group of people that would want to punch him too. She enjoyed the pained look on his face, knowing he deserved so much more than that. "You do not go kissing women when they obviously do not want to kiss you and have not consented!"

"He what?" Billy exclaimed with pure outrage ringing so clary in his voice that it snapped her out of her angered haze, somewhat.

She looked into the wolf's eyes, keeping such intense eye contact as she spoke through a clenched jaw, "God I wish you could feel the pain I want to inflict on you."


"No, don't you dare even think of trying to defend yourself. You disgust me," she seethed and found herself scoffing softly when Jacob looked to his father for help.

"Don't look at me," Billy added with a tone of concise she hadn't heard before. Actually, she had never seen such anger within him.  Not even when Sam had pulled that argument thing a few weeks ago, this was uncharted territory and honestly, it was so called for. He deserved all that he got for what he did to Bella, whether she said it was okay to or not. Kissing someone against their will is never okay and never would have been okay in the slightest.

"I have half the mind to pull some voodoo on your mind," she paused, chuckling softly out of rage. "And trust me I am tempted. But I think your Dad can figure out how to handle this."

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now