The new appointed Demon Lord Xia (side story 3)

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We are now going to the meeting room to meet the new appointing demon lord who defeat the previous demon lord by force. I didn't know that the previous demon lord would meet such end by the current demon lord miss Xia, on top of that she only have 5 people on her including herself.
Defeating the demon lord and the demon lord army by five people is insane itself. I didn't know there's people exist. I thought the previous demon lord is the strongest of all demon but there seems to be stronger than him

"Oh the seventh general of the demon lord's army. Glad to meet you. Fufu"

She said in a mocking tone. If only she's not strong I would like to beat her to death but she's the one who summon a blood tear in the sky and melted almost all of the demon soldiers. I'm too week compare to her.

I remember when someone summon a huge spider inside the demon lord territory, it's huge that you can compare it to a nearby mountain. In that moment we knew that someone try to infiltrate us. But we don't know what's their motive. We didn't attack humans because the demon lord are too kind and don't want war. We really don't know who's behind this attack but.. we, the 7 deadly sins demon generals leads the battle to defeat the huge monster spider but in an instant when that spider open its mouth a laser beam suddenly attack the demon lord castle even with its massive defence the castle collapse. Luckily the demon lord avoided it on time. I and the other generals use our strongest attack to defeat it but when we about to cast our spell a hundreds of humanoid doll appeared at us. Some of them holding sythe and a double sword. There's even a stick weapon that I'm not familiar with but when they pointed that weapon to our demons army all of their heads smash in an instant. It's looks like a small cannon. We try to kill one of them but it's only explode and the nearby army got caught in it. We are using magic to attack them but they seems to immune to it.
The seven deadly sins pride use his army to move forward and defeat them but when they about to come close a white hair guy with a lot of stitches in his body release a black mist called miasma. The demon army are now covered in mist. Even me looking from above can't see a single one of them because of how thick it is. I use wind magic to draw away the mist but when I clearly clear the mist the demon army are all beheaded only Pride are left but the white hair boy holding him in his neck. And smash it with his bare hands.

This is ridiculous how can a normie demon kill one of the ruler of the seven deadly sins? And on top of that this is my first time seeing that kind of demon with a lot of stitches. Or perhaps he's not a demon at all?

In an instant a huge violet magic power attack the huge spider monster but it only leaves a minor injuries. I look behind and I saw the demon lord who use his super nova skill.
It's a skill that can kill thousands of army but it only leaves a little hole in that gigantic monster.
The white hair guy are running forward and killing demons as he pass by. I use wind shield to block its way but my magic circle got cancelled.
I look around and I saw a huge metal flying in air. I don't know what it is but it's look like a weapon. I use clairvoyance to see what inside and I saw man with black tinted protective glasses through the glass window and a woman with bat wings on top of that gigantic metal.

What is that? It's not a demon wings but a bat wings.

"ATTACK THAT FLOATING METAL!" the demon lord shout and give us order

I know that the huge metal is more dangerous than that giant spider. We cast our magic to that thing with full force but the woman standing in that metal use a red blood looking shield. The shield broke and make a huge explosion. As expected as long as the demon lord is on our side nothing can beat us.

When the smoke vanish the metal thing is still there. It's give me creeps when I see that we didn't leave a single scratch at all.
The floating metal are now moving and start to shoot the demons army, even the civilian got caught in it. While that thing is moving the woman who is standing in that metal earlier are now in the sky and trying to summon something we tried to attack her but a girl who wears a spider clothing attack us.
"Fufu don't interrupt her. She's about to drop her period"

Period? What is that? And in an instant a huge blood fell in the sky. The man inside that metal shoot the blood and the blood spread like rain and all of them who got caught in it melted.

The demon lord use a huge shield to protect his people.
"We're going to abandon this territory. Gather all of the demons who survived!"
We don't have a chance to win this. The demon lord probably thinking to giving up in this land and seek help for the beastmen race. After all the beastmen has debpt in our race.

"Not too fast Demon lord Syvey"

Suddenly a girl who wears spider clothing appear at us. And she's not alone she's with another girl with short silver hair and in full white clothing. It's impossible to teleport inside the shield made by the demon lord but this girl manage to.

"So this is all of your doing Xia!"

"Hmm it's true.."

"But why?"

"Because I'm bored? Oh right.. because it's fun!"


The demon lord clench his fist. There's no doubt that they know each other and base on their conversation it seems that they have a past relationships.

The girl name Xia raised her hand and the girl beside her used magic that I don't know what it is

"Vampy stop that"

I recovered my thought after hearing the boy Infront of us he's covered with stitches and has a blueish color.

"Shut it rotten man! And also, don't call me vampy!"

"Oh is that so~ but that's what master called you!"

"Tha..that's.. because I allowed it!"

"Is that so"

They start to make an argument that they forgot that I'm still in front of them.

"Hey you three, Miss Xia is on the way you better come inside now"

The man with black protective glasses speak before us. As we heard Xia all of us come inside and sit for our respective sits.

In a minute Miss Xia and a girl with Silver hair teleported in the demon lord throne. Miss Xia don't have a space aptitude magic it's probably the silver hair girl doing.

Miss Xia sit in that throne. While the silver hair girl and the man wearing a black tinted protective glasses stand beside her All of us here know that only the demon lord should sit in that throne. All of us here don't dare to make a noise. It's a declaration that a new demon lord is born.

"Now now, is everyone here?" The demon lord said

"Should we start talk about how to kill the hero William?."

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