Chapter 5: Cuddling 39,000 ft. Above the Ground

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Ben's POV:

I hate planes. Everything about them is either subpar or horrible. There are screens with movies (subpar), food (horrible), crying babies (indescribably revolting), and more. They radiate an aura of utter despair. Don't even get me started on trying to sleep in one.

Well, it turns out I'm in a row with Erica. I take all that I said back. Mike gave me a grin with a wink. Zoe was also trying to hide laughter after seeing my red face.

Around 2 hours into the flight, I was barely hanging on. I had finished my movie, and my eyes threatened to close every 15 seconds. 1 more hour later, and I felt a sensation on my shoulder.
Erica was resting her head on it. After that I decided to give in to exhaustion, leaning my head on her's.

Mike's POV:

Holy crap. The Ice Queen was sleeping with Ben. Well, kinda. For the past hour, Zoe and I had been telling stupid jokes to each other and discussing fonts. We had taken a selfie to send to Chip and Jawa to furthermore rub it in. "😭" was the most prominent emoji in the chat.

We also noticed that Catherine and Alexander were constantly snapping pictures of Ben and Erica, most likely adding to their "Berica" album. Zoe had also snapped some pics of Ben sleeping for "Research Purposes"... 

Sure Zoe...

We do not talk about why zoe is taking pics of ben sleeping. anyways, bye

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