Chapter 2: Morning

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Gregory yawned as he woke up and began breakfast. He cleared off the dusty table in order to eat. Despite being abandoned, the house's appliances still worked, which confused Gregory; however, he just thought he got lucky. Perhaps the family was on vacation. As he got up to clean his dishes, he noticed a note.

"Gregory, you're welcome to stay as long as you want; just please don't go in the attic. PS: I know what happened, and I know you aren't a murderer." Gregory read that he was nervous at first but decided to abide by this man's wishes and not go into the attic. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the house and fixing windows with some tools he found. Gregory found a key to the front door and locked it; strangely, the fridge was stocked with all the food he could need.

Once the house had been fixed up a bit, Gregory found some craft kits and began drawing and painting with them until lunchtime. Once he had lunch, he took a nap on the now-cleaned sofa. However, he didn't notice a blond woman walking inside the house, opening up the attic, and laying the key by the kid along with a bunny plush with two purple button eyes.

Vannessa left, saying into the walkie-talkie that she had everything set up and ready to go.

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