Chapter 4: A dinner with reflections

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Gregory was ushered to the table as plates of food were laid in front of him as everyone else took their seats. There was roasted turkey, chicken, ham, rolls, roasted potatoes, steak, fish, and his favorite mac and cheese. Gregory dug in hungry after being freaked out a bit. Once he was done, a cake was laid in front of him, saying welcome home.

" Home?" Gregory asked

"I've been waiting for your gregory~," Springtrap said, smiling.

"I should go..." Gregory said

"Of course, you need your rest after all. I'll show you to your room," Springtrap said.

Before Gregory could protest, he was led up a long, winding staircase and gently nudged to a round door. On the door were a sun and a moon, and inside were two dolls that looked identical to the ones advertised at the mall. They both had tapes inside of them with a drawstring to activate them.

Gregory pulled on the sun one.

"Heya, heya, kiddo! Welcome! Welcome! Let's play! whoooo!" The sun doll said

"I thought you would like some of the latest merchandise and toys, "Springtrap said.

Gregory looked around; his bed was up on a platform with stairs leading to it; he had a huge canopy bench and a king-sized hammock to take naps in. A full-working bathroom is inside his room. Gregory pulled the moon doll.

"Well, hello, there, kiddo! Let's get some rest so we can play with Sunny another day!" Gregory shrugged, thinking it was a dream, and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

"See you soon!" The sun and moon doll said, staring at Gregory as Springtrap gloated to an imprisoned Nick.

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