Chapter 7: The rabbit hates dogs?

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Gregory saw a small beagle looking at him before dropping a journal in front of him.

"Don't trust him, Gregory; he seems innocent and harmless, but he is far from it." The beagle said

"What do you mean, the alligator guy? He seems cool, though," Gregory said.

"No, the bunny, spring trap! Others have fallen for his tricks. I don't know how much more I can bear to see kids fall time and time again. especially after... her."

'Her, what do you mean?" Gregory asked

"My owner, Susie. He hates dogs. Gregory, remember that," the beagle said before disappearing.

"Gregory, are you alright?" spring traps voice echoed

"Uh yeah, coming!" Gregory called back.

A girl with golden curls whispered

"Beware springtrap~ he is not what he seems!"

Gregory walked back inside.

Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Goldie, Foxy, Delilah, and Harry were there.

"hey, springtrap?" Gregory asked

"Yes Gregory?" springtrap asked

"Do you not like... dogs?" Gregory asked and looked surprised when Springtrap froze before the bunny man chuckled. "

"We all have favorite animals, and those we don't, but if you must know—not particularly hunting dogs—they always give me headaches. Nice creatures just can be so loud sometimes," Springtrap said.

Gregory shrugged and dug into his French toast.

That night, after Gregory was tucked in, he read the book the dog had drooped.

"Once upon a time, seven children attended a lovely tea party.

There was a purple rabbit, a yellow chicken, a brown bear, a yellow bear, a red fox, a girl with gold curly hair, and a young girl older than the rest with straight brown hair. Then along came a golden bunny who had delicious food and fun games to play. One by one, he lured them to his little den, and one by one, they went. However, the brown-haired girl was nervous around the golden bunny; she was skeptical of the promises of goodies and toys.

So when the little girl went down to the bunny's den to check it out, the bunny came out with a giant cake and a silver knife. The cake was so gooey and filled to the brim with strawberry jam. The little girl's face was covered in the sticky red jam. She tried to flee back to her mother to fetch a napkin, but the bunny grabbed her wrist and asked her to stay for a while. The little girl was so tired that she fell into a deep sleep. She never saw the bunny again. There was a young beagle who saw the exchange while fetching his big bone. Loudly, he barked and caught the attention of the girl with golden hair. The bunny went to the young beagle and said,

"Mr. Beagle, the little brown-haired girl, is sleeping. Could you quiet down?"

but the beagle barked and barked, refusing to shush.

So the rabbit gave the beagle a slice of strawberry jam cake, and he quieted down and took a nap as well. When the golden-haired girl called for her beagle, the golden bunny said the dog was taking a nap and walked with her to where he was.

The little girl known as Susie saw her taking a nap, and..." Gregory shut the book as he heard a noise.

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