A Yearning for Peace

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A/N: Credit for the chapter picture is yuka_sai0127 on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/yuka_sai0127/status/1482577273857265667 is the exact link.

"During my time in the late Roman Empire, they had a period known as 'Pax Romana', or Roman peace. When this ends, I hope to bring about the same peace and prosperity that Rome had during that time." Meliodas sighed, looking at the stars above.

Estarossa chuckled, looking at his elder brother, "So there was a time when humans weren't trying to kill each other. How interesting."

"It isn't all that interesting actually. The Roman Empire relied on slave labor, and the gap between the rich and the poor was growing larger and larger. But still, Rome had its good parts until it fell under emperor Romulus Augustus."

"Once this war is over, I'm sure that Father will allow you to reign in that well-deserved peace."

"Thank you for the affirmations Esta, but I sincerely doubt that father will agree with it."

"You'd be surprised big brother, good night."

"Ya... Good night Estarossa."

A/N: This chapter is extremely short because I just needed to finish it. This story is most likely going to go on hiatus, it's been over a year since I last updated and I've pretty much moved entirely over to Archive of Our Own. I prefer the tagging and filtering system there compared to Wattpad's. If you want some of my more current works, you should go to AO3. My account is under the same name as this one. I apologize to those who like this story but I just have a lot with both school work and lack of motivation. Once I return to this story I'll probably re-write it.

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