Coming up with a Plan

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Hello peeps thank you for the reads and votes!! Okay anywaysss onto the story.

No ones POV

Abuela started talking first "does anyone have any ideas of what to do?"
  Julieta responded by saying "maybe we don't let her know we know, because we don't know what will happen if she knows we know, so maybe we should just have Dolores listen into Mirabels conversations to make sure she isn't trying to commit su1c1de or do self harm or something."
"Will you listen for us Dolores?"

   Dolores then exclaimed "of course we all want to look out for her, I have actually been listening in on Mirabel since the moment we found out about the sketchbook and so far she hasn't been doing anything, I think she's just laying down."
Camilo then said,"okay that's good should one of us go and go to her just to be with her, not to tell her that we know or anything but maybe try to get her to open up to us?"

  Augustin said "yes, I think you, Dolores, Isabela, and Luisa should go, you guys have always had a good bond and she loves her sisters, and she will probably be more open to talk to us about anything if it's people close to her own age."

   Abuela then said,"okay it's decided you four will go."

  Julieta said,"just try not to make it to obvious that you're trying to make her tell you about things."

  Isabela said"okay should we go ahead and go"

  Dolores responded by saying"yes maybe we should bring food and stuff for like a picnic, she's more likely to open up if she feels relaxed."

  Luisa said "okay we already have a basket and some stuff in it now we just need the food."

Then Julieta responded by saying "here I already have some food for you guys be careful and don't make it to obvious of what you're trying to do."

"Okay mama we will be back soon bye." Isabela said.

Then the four of then walked out the house and went on there way to find Mirabel. You could still see tears in the grownups eyes and Augustin tried to calm down his wife a bit but he was hardly calm himself! After a while all of them calmed down a little and just had to have faith in there children that they could do this.

Hello peeps this is the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed I will probably be doing short chapters but uploading everyday there is no guarantee but I will try. See you later byeee!!

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