CH 9 :- I will be her Life saver

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Traveller (low voice ):- Suga , I know its a difficult situation for you. You are free to go back but remember that this Evil spirit will torment Hyeon forever if things  are left like this. Moreover in your every birth you will face Hyeon's spirit as well as Evil Suga's spirit , destiny will torment you , haunt you until and unless you complete your undone task.

You can say even after going back you will live a life of hell.

Cause things go worse and worse when important tasks are being delayed .

Suga first moves towards Hyeon's dead body.

Sits down and says

How can I defeat him.

Traveller looks at him

Suga - How can I kill Evil Suga ?cause I haven't seen those 5 months of torture which Hyeon has experienced.

Traveller (exhales ) - Let me tell you how can you defeat him.

The reason you haven't seen those 5 months of Hyeon being  torture cause you were already dead.  But after 29 years you were reborn (concept of reincarnation) but this time in Courteous and gentle form and after 47 years from 1975 , Deity has decided to cover up his mistakes.

Suga (yells)- I know but all I want to know from you that how can I save Hyeon just tell me that 

He was panting in Frustration and then apologize for his rude behaviour.

Suga (sobs ) - Miane ! But please understand my frustration ( he gnashed) cause of me she is suffering from   47 years  first as human and even death can't save her from that bastard (he cries ).

Traveller (exhales) - Then do it to change your mistakes.

Suga - How ?

Traveller points towards Hyeon's dead body and said

Use her memories.

Suga - What?

Traveller - Yes , although Hyeon is dead but her soul is still trapped here in this castle. Every soul travels through a portal and remains in connection with his body until and unless cremation is performed. Like you are still alive in present cause your soul Is still connected with your body through that portal.

So you need to enter in Hyeon's body and use her memories to go back in that 5 months of her torture. Their you need to break the bond between Evil Suga and Hyeon.

Suga (low and puzzled voice) - How will I break the bond ?

Traveller - Their is something which Hyeon is still carrying with her which has created a path for Evil Suga to find her. Either some gift Evil Suga has given to her or anything. Just take it to his grave . And remember that Evil Suga is connected with you also so whenever you will attack him either by stabbing , gunshot or anything you will also feel the same  pain and injuries . Also when you  will enter in her memories your chances to die in present will increase . And if your luck forces you to take tough decisions in order to save her then always listen to your heart.  Cause In matter of human affection heart is more intelligent than brain. Now just lay down beside her.

Suga lays beside Hyeon's body.

Traveller cuts his(own) finger and drops his blood in a circle around Suga and Hyeon's body.

He speaks few spells.

Suga eyes turned white

Hyeon's body was levitated.

A white beam of light hits both of them ( Hyeon and Suga ) and Hyeon's body fells back on ground and Suga disappears or in simple terms he is now in her past 5 months memories.

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