Against All Odds (Hozier x Nicki) ~~ Part 4 {One Year Later}

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****Hozier's POV****

Nicki, Vashti, and I were at the apartment eating breakfast, which was cooked by Nicki. Today was the day that we were graduating from college, and both of our families were gonna be there. This is the first time that Nicki and Vashti will be seeing their parents in person since they left Nepal, so today is pretty big.

"We have so much going on today." Nicki sighed in happiness.

"I know. We have graduation, your parents are meeting me and my family for the first time, and we have to announce our big news to everybody." I smiled at her. She got up and sat in my lap, then I kissed her. We pulled away and smiled at each other, and I placed my hand on her stomach.

"You know, we're gonna need some more room for the baby. The apartment is too small for all four of us." Nicki stated, placing her hand on top of mine. I moved in here a couple of months after we started dating so that I could help her with the bills and everything else. We've been engaged for nearly 3 months and Nicki is nearly 3 months pregnant.....after I proposed to her, we "celebrated" all night so that's how she got pregnant.

"I know....we've got a good bit of money saved from all the gigs we've done, so hopefully we'll have enough to buy a house before the baby gets here." I responded.

"I guess we'll figure it out, but we don't have too much time. I'm almost 3 months." she said.

"It's fine tho, I know our baby boy will be set when the time comes." she continued, a smile on her face.

"Boy? Don't you mean our little princess?" I questioned. As you can see, we have different opinions on what the baby will be.....Nicki thinks it'll be a boy, but I'm sure that it's a girl.

"You're both wrong." Vashti stated, causing us to look at her.

"What do you mean?" Nicki asked her.

"You're wrong, Nika, and so is Hozier. It's not a boy or a girl...." Vashti replied.

"Then what is it?"

"I'm not telling you guys." she smirked. I nodded, knowing how to make Vashti talk, so I kissed Nicki's shoulder and patted her thigh.

"Get up for a minute, babe." I instructed. Nicki got off my lap and sat in the empty chair next to me, then I got up and picked Vashti up.

"Put me down." Vashti commanded.

"So you think you can keep secrets from me now?" I asked as I started to tickle her.

"Hahahaha, stop it!!" Vashti giggled.

"No, you gotta tell me what you think the baby is." I said.

"I-I'm not telling you!" she responded. I continued to try to tickle it out of her, but she wasn't giving in so I kissed her forehead and sat her back in her chair.

"Fine then, have it your way." I said, giving up.

"Aw, are you upset babe?" Nicki asked, giggling at me.

"Yeah because this is supposed to be my little Rugrat....she tells me everything." I laughed, roughing up Vashti's hair.

"Hey, you don't gotta ruin my hair." Vashti said.

"I work too hard on her hair for you to always mess with it." Nicki sighed, shaking her head and smiling.

"Sorry, babe." I shrugged, pecking her lips.

~~~~After the Graduation (Nicki's POV)~~~~

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