He Changed Me for the Better {pt. 4}

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****Nicki's POV****

"You....like....this d*ck baby....don't you?" he asked as I rode him.

"Mmm....I g-gotta get....b-back to m-my baby, SB." I moaned out, on the verge of cumming. He had just exploded inside of me, which caused me to cum on his d*ck mad hard.


"Baby boy, I'm so sorry...." I apologized to Andres as tears ran down my face.

"Nika h-how....how could you? I understand that y-you have sex for m-money....but how could y-you be so stupid? Onika, you can't t-take this back!" Andres said, tearing up and shaking his head.

"I d-don't know Andres....but please don't leave me. I-I can't do this alone, and Safaree w-was just a customer who was just on vacation in New York. H-he doesn't even live here Andres....he c-can't help." I cried. Andres looked at me and sighed, then he got off of the sofa and sat between my legs. He lifted up my shirt, followed by leaning in and kissing my stomach. More tears ran down my face as he did this, but he just looked back up at me.

"Onika, you and I have been together for 3 months now and in those 3 months, I've fallen in love with you. As much as it hurts to know that you're pregnant with a grown man's baby and not mine.....as much as it hurts, I won't leave you. Besides, this baby deserves a father and...and it wouldn't be fair for it not to have a dad because of your mistake." Andres stated, then he picked up the pregnancy test that was on the table.

"This wasn't supposed to happen like this." he continued.

"I know baby boy...I'm so sorry. I wish I would've stopped with all of the sex. I really do, but I didn't and....and now I'm bouta have a baby in a few months." I sobbed.

"Hey....stop crying, you're gonna raise your blood pressure and stress yourself....and that's not good for the baby." Andres sighed, then he put his hands on my stomach.

"I can't believe you're actually pregnant." he whispered.

"Andres I....I don't wanna have this baby. I don't want this baby because it isn't yours." I cried. Me and Andres haven't even made love yet...and even tho I'm kinda slutty, I wanted all of my children to be made outta love.

"Nika, don't say that....as far as this child will know, I am its father. Okay?" he said, causing me to smile.

"Okay....I love you baby boy." I smiled.

"I love you too Onika." Andres responded then I leaned down to kiss him. We pulled away and sat in a comfortable silence, and after that I thought of something important.

"Baby boy, will you stay over my place for dinner? I really want you there while I tell Daddy." I said.

"Of course I'll be there." he replied, and he started kissing my stomach again.

"Have you thought of any names?" Andres questioned.

"Well....I like Aspasia for a girl cause it's Greek, and you're half Greek." I answered.

"Wait, how did you know that?"

"Even tho I'm a bad ass....I'm still smart, so I remember that Aspasia was a great woman in Ancient Greece. People just assume that I'm dumb cause I act differently from then 'average' smart person. And, I never let classmates see my report cards....but I get A's and B's on every grading period." I explained.

"Wow....I would've never guessed, no offense."

"None taken. But anyway, for a boy...I'm thinking Andres Jr., little AJ for short." I smiled.

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