Stolen Childhood {pt. 4}

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****Nicki's POV****

"NOOOO!!! Please don't take him from me!!" I screamed as the police officer dragged David outta the house. They said that a neighbor saw David hit me and reported him....why can't people just mind their own?!

"Ma'am please calm down, you're upsetting your son and you're probably adding strain onto your unborn!" the female officer said to me.

"Please don't take David from me!!! We need him!!" I cried. Ishmael sat on my hip while crying his little eyes out, and the baby inside of me was kicking like crazy.

"Onika, don't worry....I'll be back." David assured me. The male officer was trying to drag him out some more, but David spoke up.

"Can you at least give me a moment with my wife?!?!" David asked the officers. They briefly looked at each other, then they both sighed and the female rolled her eyes.

"Make it quick." the male stated. David walked over to me and I kissed him, feeling the kiss with everything I had, then we pulled away.

"Onika, it'll be fine....I'll get that bitch for breaking us up." he whispered in my ear.

"B-but David....wh-what if th-they lock you up? Our children n-need you...I-I need you." I sobbed.

"Okay, that's enough!" the female office said, gently pushing me outta the way so the male officer could get David.


"What's your full name?" Anna, the investigator, asked.

"Onika Tanya Maraj."

"And your son's name?"

"Ishmael....Ishmael Safaree Maraj." I replied.

"Oh, that's a unique name. Why'd you name him that?"

"I named him Ishmael because I'm half Arabic, and Ishmael is an Arabic name. His middle name is Safaree after my best's been a long while since I've spoken to him or seen him tho. I haven't seen him since Ishmael was about 2 months old, and I haven't written Safaree in over a year." I explained. (A/N: y'all know that I like to change Nika's race, based on the story so with it)

"How old are you, Onika? Now that I'm getting a good listen to your voice, you sound young.....almost child like." Anna commented.

"Oh uhm....I just sound young, that's all." I lied. I couldn't tell this woman that I'm 13 years old....David would get in a lot of trouble, and it would be all my fault. Anna was about to ask me something else, but an officer burst through the door before she could.

"Hey uhm....we've got bad news for her. She's the wife of David Johnson, right?" the officer said.

"Yes I'm his wife.....what's going on? Is David okay?" I questioned. The cop came and sat down as well, then he sighed deeply.

"Ma'am, your husband tackled an officer and things got really physical. Long story short....he got shot in self defense, so he's been rushed to the hospital. There's a slim chance that he'll wake up, though." the officer explained. I sat there and processed what was told to me.....David could die, and that means that I could finally be free. I could finally be free after 3 years of being forced to cook, clean, and have sex....after three full years of pretending to be happy, and pretending to love him. BUT, I can't tell these officers the full truth until I know for sure that David is dead.

"H-he could d-die?" I asked, tears running down my face.

"Onika, why do you love him so much? I see the bruises on you, and I see the handprints around your neck.....why do you love a man who beats you?" Anna asked, and for some reason it made me angry.

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