Thank God I Found You

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****Nicki's POV****

I pulled into the parking space of the diner and sighed, for I had been driving since about 7 this morning. I drove about 12 hours yesterday and I've driven about 10 hours today......and still have about 11 hours to drive tomorrow. I'm driving from LA to Atlanta, which is a very long drive, because my sister is sick with leukemia and she wanted me to come back home.

Anyway, it was 5:32 and I was starving because I actually hadn't eaten since I left LA. I was in Missouri City, TX at that time because I had just passed a sign welcoming me to the city.....Missouri City is a small town just outside of Houston, according to what my GPS said. I got off of the first exit and saw the sign for a diner right off of it, so I decided to go there.

"I hope they have some good food." I mumbled to myself as I got out of the car. I walked in and sat at the counter, then a pretty waitress came over and I smiled at her.

"Hi." I smiled.

" name is Beyoncé, what can I get you?" she said, not sounding very enthusiastic.

"What's good here?" I asked.

"Nothing." she replied. I looked at her and noticed how sad she seemed to be, and she saw me observing her so she sighed and spoke again.

"The pie is pretty good, but that's about it." Beyoncé told me.

"Well, I'll just get that." I sighed. I watched as she wrote my order down, then she stopped writing and looked at me.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Uhm, how much does a Coke cost?" I questioned.

"Two for a medium, 2.50 for a large." she informed me. I looked at the menu and saw that the pie would cost be 3.95 so I dug through my jacket pocket, only to find one crumbled up five dollar bill. I didn't have much spending money on me.....I had about 500 dollars, but between gas and motel stay fees that had run down to me having about 200 left and I still had another motel night and more gas to pay for. Of course, I left that in a safe place in my car cause I didn't think it was safe to be walking around with that much in my pocket.

"I'll just get the pie then." I said, giving her the five. She looked at the bill and looked at me, but before she could go get change some older man came over to her.

"Beyoncé , come to the back now!!" the man angrily said to her. He walked towards the kitchen and Beyoncé sighed, then she sat the five back in front of me and followed him. I heard yelling coming from the back but I couldn't make out what the man was yelling at her, and shortly after Beyoncé came back out with tearing eyes.

"Angie, get this sweet lady her slice of pie, please. I'm going on break." Beyoncé said, taking off her apron and handing off the order.

"Oh, and get her a refill on her Coke." she added.

"But she doesn't even have a cup." another waitress, which I assume is Angie, responded. Beyoncé got a cup and scooped some ice up in it, then she sat it in front of me and walked out of the restaurant. Angie came over and put some Coke into my cup, followed by walking into the kitchen to get my pie. I picked the five dollar bill up off the counter and put it back into my pocket, then I went outside to find Beyoncé so I could thank her. She was sitting on the curb writing in a little notebook, and then she started to sing.

"Listen, to the song here in my heart. A melody I start, but can't complete....." she sung. She continued sing for a little bit, then she stopped and sat in her thoughts. Once she thought of something, she starting back writing again. I thought that I shouldn't disturb her, so I went back in and sat back down. Angie came out of the kitchen with my pie and I thanked her, then I heard the bell on the door ring like it did every time I opened the door. Beyoncé came back in and went to the phone, and once the other person answered she started speaking.

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