Beauty...Brains...and Baggage

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***Nicki's  POV***

I am Onika Maraj, the definition of a sexy, classy, beautiful, and intelligent young woman. I'm only age 24, but I own one of the most famous and worldly clothing lines. My clothing line, called Pink Passion,  is everything a girl could want from professional to party, from casual to lounge wear, and from lingerie to swimwear. I have a net worth of 10.3 million, and I live a high lifestyle. 

Yes, I am very successful but I do feel as if I'm missing something. I'm missing a husband to make love to...I'm missing children to raise. I want a family, but I've never met a man who interests me enough to start a family with. 

"Ms. Maraj, Mr. uhm...Scaffbeezy is here." Kelly, my assistant, said. 

"Okay, send him in please." I replied. He's a rapper who's gonna team up with me to produce his own clothing line. 

"Daddy, NOOOO!!!" I heard then I looked up to see 'Scaffbeezy' holding a little girl.

"Nay,  can you shut up?" he said to her. I continued to look over his paperwork, then I looked up at him and he smiled really big.

"Damn got some knockers on you." he said to me.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You got some big tities bae...they look good."

"Mr. Samuels, I will not allow you to speak to me with such language. If you are going to speak to me, you need to speak with respect." I stated, getting comfortable in my chair.

"Oh, you one of them kind who think they better than others cause you made it outta the hood."

"Yes, Mr. Samuels, I did grow up in the hood, but that does not mean I have to be a ghetto bitch about everything. Now, if you don't mind, we should talk about this clothing line." I said, adding a fake smile at the end.

"Daddy, I wan food..." the little girl said as she rubbed her eyes and cried.

"Nay, shut the fuck up!!" he yelled, causing her to cry louder.

"Don't speak to that child like that...she is not an adult!" I scolded at Safaree while the child continued to cry.

"Well she wouldn't shut her ass up, so what you want me to do?!" Safaree asked, getting frustrated. I stood up and walked over, then I picked up the little girl and sat back down with her.

"Hi baby!" I smiled at her.


"What's your name?" 


"That's a pretty name how old are you?"

"Twee." she responded as she rubbed her eyes. 

"Can I call you Aysia?" I asked her in a soft voice. 

"Mmhmmm." Tanaysia replied.

" about you listen to this. Just lay down and listen right here." I smiled at her, pointing to my heart.

"I listen?"

"Yep." I replied then she laid her head on my chest. I knew she was sleepy by the way she kept rubbing her eyes,  so I knew what to do.

A few moments later, Tanaysia was asleep on my chest. I looked up at Safaree, who was staring at me in shock.

"Do you have some type of eye problem, Mr. Samuels?" I asked.

"Nah...I'm shocked that you got her to sleep like that. I wouldn't think of you as the caring type and all that shit." he replied.

"There's a lot about me that you don't know." I stated.

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