Chapter 4: Becky

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Becky felt terrible for Hunter. It was his fault that they never checked the girth, so Becky didn't show how terrible she felt for Hunter as they limped back over to the makeshift mounting block—which looked more like a fence at that moment.

"Now remember before you get on every single time check your girth, if in doubt check your girth, and if you don't remember if you checked your girth check it again." Becky lectured, her face wiped clean of emotions.

Hunter nodded solemnly, Becky admired the way that Hunter was so determined to never give up. The lesson went okay, with Jax getting spooked a few times by the barn cat, but Hunter stood his ground and didn't give up. Luckily they stayed on Jax through the course of the lesson so Becky called it a success. She helped Hunter take off the heavy western saddle, before encouraging him to go with Emie to hose off Jax. Becky watched as Emie walked out of view, before heading to where her backpack hung. Her papa had gifted it to her that morning. She opened it, sitting down on a lawn chair—her posture perfect—as she opened her backpack.

She grabbed a chocolate croissant and a can of Pepsi. She ate quickly, whipping her chocolate-covered fingers on a material napkin, taking a polite sip of her Pepsi even though no one was around. They were all at the wash rack where Emie was teaching them how to properly bathe a horse. Suddenly a shriek was heard throughout the property. Becky got out of her chair, her Pepsi clattering to the floor and spilling. She walked quickly to the wash stall, which was no more than three hundred feet away when hoofbeats caused her to pick up her pace. Jax skidded out of the stall, almost hitting her.

His eyes were wide, with only the whites showing. He was breathing heavily, glancing at Becky, before trotting nervously into his stall. Becky slid his stall door shut before heading to the wash stall where someone was screaming hysterically. As Becky neared the wash stall, she saw several of the students staring at something, fear, and amusement dancing across their features. Becky took thirteen more steps before she saw Emie dancing on the spot screaming at the top of her lungs. The brunette wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry at the sight.

"Country scum! Cowgirl Up, and stop break dancing!" Becky snapped amusement dancing across her face, before realizing that Emie was spooking the horses. If her papa knew what she had to deal with daily he would be furious.

"T-there was a snake,'' Emie sputtered.

"And does that somehow give you a reason to act like that?" Becky scolded, sounding like her mother. "It's just a snake, no big deal." Becky shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

Emie pointed at something slithering closer on the ground. Becky's eyes traced the shape of the snake, as it neared, the snake was one of the biggest ones Becky had ever seen. That was saying something considering that when she was five, her papa bought her a huge snake that always scared all of the guests. This snake had nothing on Jimmy, in fact, it was like three times the size of good ol' Jimmy. Her eyes widened with awe as the snake slithered around her legs.

She could vaguely hear Emie calling emergency services sounding hysterical and escorting the students away. What a scaredy-cat; it was just a snake. Becky was sure with a few puppy eyes, her father would gladly make a habitat for this snake as well. The snake had now lost interest in Becky and was headed towards the barn, Becky following it like a lost puppy. Flashing red and blue lights surrounded her, snapping her out of the trance. Becky watched in horror as some pet control service trapped the snake in a tiny cage. Swiftly, Becky walked over to them, pasting on a sugar-sweet smile,

"What is your company's number?" she asked sweetly.

One of the workers gave her their number, and Becky quickly sent her papa a text, asking him to call the number and purchase the biggest snake they had. 

And there we go!

Don't have too much to say tday. Just hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next one!


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