Chapter 8: Becky

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Becky sat at the dining room table, Jennifer on her left, her father on her right, and Charlotte across from her. A heavy curtain of tense silence had befallen the table. Becky's father chewed absentmindedly at his food while his black Bluetooth earpiece flashed a blue light. He was never without his Bluetooth, no matter the occasion. Becky could even remember his hushed orders into the earpiece during her sixth birthday. Despite it all though, Becky cared for her father immensely—more than anyone in her opinion; especially Jennifer.

"Mama said I could get a horse when I can drive," Charlotte said suddenly, effectively shattering the silence.

"That's lovely, dear," papa responded, seemingly half-awake. "I bet you're excited."

"Well..." Charlotte began, wringing her hands. She was nervous; Becky could understand that. "Beck can drive already, so when will she get a horse?"

Jennifer's eyes bulged, and her face went a deep angry red. "She put you up to this, didn't she." she spat without an attempt to mask her anger.

"N-no," Charlotte said quietly. "I just want to know why."

A hush fell over the table, even more, deafening than before. The tension was practically tangible. It made Becky want to choke someone. Namely, the wicked stepmother herself.

"If you don't get Becky a horse, that proves that you won't get me one either!" Charlotte cried after several moments of silence.

"Honey..." Jennifer tried, but Charlotte wouldn't have any of it.

"You're both no-good liars!" Charlotte wailed. "Just like that horrible Jace from school!"

With that, Charlotte shoved her chair away from the table and bolted up to her room, tears falling with each and every step.

"There you go, corrupting her mind!" Jennifer complained as soon as Charlotte was out of hearing range.

"She asked why I didn't get a horse and I told her to ask you about it. You still haven't given me a straight answer. What would you have rathered I do?" Becky snapped, defending herself. "It's not like we can't afford it!"

"Rebecca Alison Mercer!" her papa shouted. "That is no way to speak to your mother!"

"She's not my goddamn mother!" she yelled back. "She's nothing more than a fraud to replace her! I bet mom would have gotten me a horse!"

"Is that truly what this is about?" Jennifer roared. "You selfish little brat! You don't even ride any better than those idiot children you teach! Do you know how much I've done for your sorry little ass?"

"Like what?" Becky countered. "Go on; I'll wait."

Silence fell over the table again, with the only sound being the rapid and angry breaths of the entire family. It had been years since they had had a normal family dinner. Why had Becky even hoped that tonight would have been any different? Becky sighed deeply, before pushing out her chair, competing with nails on a chalkboard for the most agonizing sound, as her chair screeched on the laminate flooring.

"I'm not hungry," she declared, marching up the stairs without another word.

At the top of the stairs, she was cornered by Charlotte, whose face held a determined expression.

"I saved up my allowances for a driving arcade game for the game room," Charlotte said, kindly handing Becky her large piggy bank. "But you need the money more." Charlotte had inherited something neither of her parents had: a heart of gold. "So far I have $7.00, but I'm still saving."

"Char..." Becky started, shocked by the ten-year-old's compassion and empathy. "Whatever would I need this for?"

"For your horse!" she declared excitedly. "Can your horse be an appo-thing?"

Becky reached over and ruffled her hair. "Sure, Char," a natural smile making its home on Becky's face. She thought for a moment. "How about I bring you to work tomorrow?"

"Only if you let me ride an appo-something!"

"It's a deal," Becky said, picking up Charlotte and swinging her around quickly. Then, she swiftly began tickling Charlotte's sides, causing laughter to fill the somber hallway. "You'd better run before the tickle monster catches you!"

A squeal of delight escaped Charlotte's lips and she took off down the hall. Becky chased after her, making Charlotte duck and dodge her. Charlotte ran towards Becky's room, her little legs going as fast as they could. The quiet chatter from downstairs subsided and out of Becky's peripheral vision, she could see a foot reaching for the last step. Becky hastily slowed her fast skip to a walk, tapping the wall three times, to notify Charlotte the game was over without Jennifer's knowledge of the game's existence.

"Why are your hands tapping on the walls?" Jennifer accused.

"I was making sure that in an earthquake this art piece wouldn't fall." Becky lied easily. "Papa bought it for a lot of money and it's one of a kind. We can't have it getting ruined!"

"Go put Charlotte to bed," Jennifer ordered as if that was her punishment for touching the walls.

Getting in trouble for touching the walls was much better than getting in trouble for running in the house. No running in the house unless in the case of an emergency was the number one rule. With a final glare, Becky headed over to where Charlotte was spying on them, behind the door of Becky's room.

"Common, let's get you to bed, kiddo," Becky said affectionately. Charlotte nodded, following Becky to her bathroom to brush her teeth.

"I'm going to show you a magic trick!" Charlotte exclaimed as they reached her room.

"Okay, don't forget your pajamas." Becky reminded her.

"Look at this!" Charlotte declared, taking off her sweater to reveal a red and black striped onesie.

"Wow!" Becky said. "How did you do it?"

"I changed before dinner!" Charlotte declared, climbing into her bed with a yawn.

"Do you want a story?" Becky asked. "It's about my work."

"No, I make better ones in my head," Charlotte said, then after a moment of consideration, she seemed to change her mind. "Yes, please. Do you have any appo-somethings at your work?"

"We only have one: Dallas," she admitted, feeling as if she were letting the ten-year-old down. "But, we do have this really big white girl named June. Maybe you'll get to ride her someday."

"Really?" Charlotte asked. Becky nodded. "Beck, one day we're going to tear down the grapes and have a huge pink and blue barn with lots of appo-somethings!"

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