Chapter 1: The Escape Part 1

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Attention, all units! #294 and #104 have escaped! Proceed with caution!

Attention, all units! #294 and #104 have escaped! Proceed with caution!

Attention, all units! #294 and #104...

The announcement had been drowned out by a blaring siren and bare feet slapping against the cold tile. Screams and shouts echoed through the barren hallway, sending a rippling fear through both boys. The lights against the ceiling were flashing red periodically, and the air had a clinical smell that burned into their noses. The stark white uniforms both boys wore were stained with patches of blood. The resident ID tags hung loosely along their necks, as they flopped around with the fast movements. They panted as the boys attempted to catch their breath. The older one pulled, the younger by the hand, urging him to keep running.

"We're almost to the exit, Viola! Just a little more!" The older stated encouragingly, his red ears turned sideways on top of his head, and the red tail puffed against his back.

Viola clutched the boy's hand, tears forming in the corners of his glowing green eyes, "Where's Iris, Helios? We can't leave her behind!" Viola whined, still being pulled by Helios. His long black hair fell in front of his face, and his ears were pinned back on his head, "We can't leave her! You promised we'd all leave together!"

Tears fell from Helios' eyes as they continued to run. His red hair stuck to his forehead from sweat. "I'm sorry...." he whispered as they turned down a hallway.

They could hear the guards running closer to them. Their heavy boots echoed with each step. Thunder cracked in the distance, and rain barrelled down on the roof. Lungs screamed for a break as they were pushed towards their limit. Viola stumbled over his feet, landing face-first on the floor. Blood trickled out of his nose from hitting the ground. Helios immediately picked up the small 10-year-old and held him close to his chest. The elder ran down the hallway as he dodged medical beds. The flashing red casted ghastly shadows along the walls. The images startled Viola as he then buried himself deeper into Helios. Suddenly, a crack of lighting echoed from the outside, and the flashing stopped for a moment. The elder took this opportunity to sharply turn into a dark room along the hallway. The door posed a challenge for the elder. In response, Helios dug his feet into the ground as he pushed the door open. Sweat dripped from his brow; his entire body shook with each step. Helios' breathing ceased as he pushed his way inside. He had made a gap large enough for the two of them to slip in, but not large enough that the door could be heard closing over the sirens. He and Viola ducked into the corner as they attempted to make themselves as small as possible. Helios watched as the guards continued running down the hall, then down the stairwell. Most likely assuming that they had gone that way.

They were both still... they were both silent... so unmoving that one could mistake the two for corpses.

Once Helios had deemed it safe enough, he slowly removed Viola from his lap and tucked him further into the corner. He then tip-toed to the entrance, and placed a chair underneath the doorknob, with the purpose of blocking anyone from entering. He then finally took a breath, and bile crept to the back of his throat. He choked it back down as the acid slightly burned his esophagus. Just as he made his way back to Viola, he noticed the room he had entered was filled with computers.

"This is probably one of the data collection rooms." Helios thought, his inner voice filled with concern.

He then swiftly made it over to where his brother sat. "Viola, we have to see if any of the computers are running. We have to get our files. See if you can find a flash drive."

Viola shook his head in refusal, "I can't Helios. If they see us or hear us, we'll be punished."

Helios attempted to boot up one of the computers, "Viola, living here is punishment enough. We have never felt the sun. We have to get out of here." Helios walked over to where Viola curled up and placed his hands on the younger's shoulders. "Viola, we were both born here. I have been here for fifteen years, and you have been here for ten. You and I both know that this place isn't safe for us. We have to leave, tonight."

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